Example sentences of "on the [noun sg] [noun] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 There is a separate entry on the discharge certificate for service in the East or West Indies included in the total .
2 The RSPB reserve on the south shore at Vane Farm is an excellent centre from which to see the birds .
3 Situated on the South coast of Gran Canaria , next to the village of Arguineguin and 10km from Puerto Rico .
4 ‘ And we have to remember that many young people locally depend on the building trade for work . ’
5 I learnt later that it was the island of Trinidad , and that my island was in the mouth of the River Orinoco on the north coast of South America .
6 Visit the donkey and it 's pigeon friend at Arkudi , and spend two days exploring the many quiet fiord like inlets on the north coast of Meganisi .
7 In June Fireflies of 1771 Squadron ( Implacable ) joined in attacks on the Carolinas , and the following month saw 1772 Squadron , which had joined Indefatigable ) , carrying out strikes against Japanese home islands , including raids on airfields and the railway yards on the north coast of Honshu .
8 It was all that the police could find , from a caretaker 's wife , after Louise was discovered , naked and handcuffed , in the Alexander Palace on the north side of Pushkin .
9 As in other cases , the deadweight welfare loss depends on the price elasticity of demand .
10 Now the impact on spending depends on the price elasticity of demand .
11 Park your car on the road verge at map coordinates 777252 near the phone box .
12 Rory laughed , just as his attention was caught by a little white blossom lying on the road surface in front of them .
13 The question remains as to the optimal method of obtaining a consistent estimate of the parameter on the change term in wealth over the full sample period .
14 And it is not surprising when one considers that normally one detects a first edition simply by looking on the title verso for information .
15 ( Yet again it must be said — an argument which does not directly arise out of a golden thread approach but which is pertinent here — the two passages in the new testament which speak of women 's subordination both rely on the Genesis account of creation and fall , an account no longer valid in a post-Darwinian age . )
16 If persistently large current account imbalances arose , the antici-pation of devaluation or revaluation would give rise to speculative short-term capital flows in the same direction , putting added pressure on the exchange rate in question .
17 But she had known that , while she looked back in wonder across a million years , his mind on the minute scrape of putty from the heel of the suspect 's shoe , the trace which might prove a man was a rapist or a murderer .
18 I mean conceivably on the tail end of policy H one yesterday , the new settlement is n't going to accommodate all the development needs of Greater York .
19 Feynman became well known in 1948 for work on the quantum theory of light .
20 I avoided M.O.D saturday evening ( WHY have the cameras for our worst home result since about 1980 ? ? ? ? ) , and only caught the last 3 goals on the Sky roundup on sunday .
21 The emphasis is clearly on the probation officer as part of the criminal justice system with a managerial role in supervising punishment .
22 Any further development of the field will have a bearing on the field life of Thistle .
23 He would of course never dream of playing these tapes on the music centre at home , risking the derision of his children .
24 Part of that would be that they identify that that 's , I 'm going there two years hence that 's the pathway and it 's too late to wait until next January a year from January and suddenly realise they need six G C S E's , a , b , c when they 've lost half their grades on the course work to date .
25 For example , there is nothing about people in residential accommodation but several pages on the benefit position of 16- and 17-year-olds .
26 Keep a fire blanket on the kitchen wall in case of emergencies .
27 I 'm sorry I kissed you earlier , but I swear on the Bible I 've no intention of ravishing you on the kitchen floor before supper — or any other time . ’
28 The sun came out from behind a cloud , and shone on the stone walls of Fullcircle .
29 ’ Nor did Vinelott J. think that a taxation on the indemnity basis under Ord. 62 , r. 12(2) would do justice to the contractual right of the defendants in the present case .
30 In direct contrast to this emphasis on the surface features of language , Chomsky ( 1959 ) argued that the complexity of grammar indicated that language users have a sophisticated understanding of a rule system and that any description must be concerned with a speaker 's knowledge of these rules .
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