Example sentences of "on his [noun] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 John Martyn 's 1732 translation of Tournefort 's Histoire des Plants qui naissent aux Environs de Paris ( 1698 , 1725 ) was dedicated to Lord Petre and Martyn remarked on his surprise to see in the noble stoves
2 Da Silva had vanished at Canjuers ; a Scotsman had been thrown out for being underaged ; Gionesca was in hospital in Orange with dysentery and pneumonia after his bath ; Gazil , the Rumanian paratrooper , had developed a massive infection on his back caused by the friction of his rucksack during marching ; and the other six were ill or disabled after our stay at Canjuers .
3 In this chapter John Fish draws on his experience working with the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development ( OECD ) to provide an international perspective on the opportunities in work , training and education for young people with disabilities or learning difficulties .
4 Even Alexander , in October 1825 , had gone back on his decision to deal with the Greek question unilaterally and had instigated talks on Greece with Britain .
5 Character is calculated exactly to support the theme of hierarchy on shipboard in Trial Trip , where a galley boy discovers that he is not entirely free to resume a schoolboy friendship with Tich , now in the second year of his apprenticeship , and in Out of the Shallows , where a sixteen-year-old apprentice with a decided chip on his shoulder suffers from the complications which friendship with a steward brings , particularly as the steward , a thoroughly shifty individual , is merely using him as a way of furthering his own ends .
6 The two Yorkshire Puddings sit on his lap looking at the world through angel hair matted with dried spit .
7 I intercepted Edouard on his way to work at the hotel and got the truth out of him .
8 When he was caught driving in January , Ironside claimed that he had been on his way to look at the possibilities of a council house exchange .
9 He was passing the open passenger-door of the Volvo , on his way to climb in the boot .
10 He was on his way to dine with the Debraces in their London house , where , he assumed , he would discover the facts .
11 During the worst weeks of the Verdun fighting , de Castelnau impressed Colonel Repington ( the elephantine Times correspondent who , in between the purveyance of social tittle-tattle from one dining table to another , was a fairly astute military critic ) on his way to dine at the Ritz , with the words : ‘ Rather than accept slavery at German hands the French race would die upon the battlefield . ’
12 I landed on Shadwell , who was already on his feet screaming at the technicians .
13 But Charlie was already on his feet advancing up the hill .
14 ROS : That 's it — pale sky before dawn , a man standing on his saddle to bang on the shutters — shouts — What 's all the row about ? !
15 An awakening , a man standing on his saddle to bang on the shutters , our names shouted in a certain dawn , a message , a summons …
16 The punch I place on his chin arrives with the full weight of my body and jolts his head back as if it was on elastic .
17 The instructions that John Thorseby , Archbishop of York , issued for the clergy in 1357 and which were on his instructions expounded by the Benedictine monk , John Gaytrick , in a vernacular version known as the Lay Folks ' Catechism , give insight into the framework of thought within which life was assimilated to , and ordered by , Christian belief — the groundwork of assumptions that mystical writers in the vernacular could take for granted .
18 The change from the propagandist playing his derivative educational theme throughout A New View of Society to the leader , however temporary , of a trade union movement already inspirationally Owenite and now ready on his prompting to aspire to the control of the means of production and provision , was profound .
19 The white stripe on his face glistened in the early light .
20 The Walther Devlin had been holding on his knee appeared above the table now and he fired again , shooting Eggar through the right hand .
21 And I should n't wonder if Potter has n't been on his knees peering through the railings . ’
22 Tommy Dowens , the Su Ragazzi coach , is taking no chances on his team falling at the semi-final stage again .
23 That operation as I understand it is certainly either available on the National Health or er likely to be available on the national health I have not understood that it is the sort of operation which will for any reason suddenly need to be done and I bear in mind that the plaintiff has had already an operation on his hip done on the National Health , it seems to me on the probabilities that there is a very strong probability that that operation will be done on the National Health and not done privately and for that reason it does not seem to me right to include any sum in relation to that in the damages .
24 The old body of the seer , one of the great examples of early classical realism , finds no parallel on the west , but the furrow on his brow recurs in the western gable and a metope too .
25 Though it may well be , he wrote , that one actually achieves more working with the wrong plans and in the wrong spirit , with the wrong tools and the wrong principles , on the wrong surface and with the wrong conception , it may well be , he wrote ( and Goldberg typed ) , that one achieves more than working with the right plans and in the right spirit , with the right tools and the right principles , on the right surface and with the right conception , though right and wrong and more and less are relative concepts and what seems right at one moment to one person may seem wrong at the same moment to another Person or at another moment to the same person , and what seems more to one person at one moment may seem less to another person at the same moment or at another moment to the same person , right , wrong , more , less , relative concepts , scribbled Goldberg , in the margin , panting slightly as he bent over his old Olivetti Portable , there is only the beginning , wrote Harsnet , or rather , there is only having begun , beginning , scribbled Goldberg , aware now of the black stains on his hands left by the felt-tip pen , having begun , there is only the feeling in the pit of the stomach or the feeling in the chest , wrote Harsnet , the feeling of sickness or the feeling of elation , those are not relative , he wrote , those are absolute .
26 But with the Government 's popularity having plunged over the past 11 months , he may have a struggle on his hands to beat off the Liberal Democrats , who were runners-up in Newbury last April .
27 My father did , in any case , rapidly discover a way to circumvent the limitations on his effectiveness implied by the stricture that he should carry no laden trays .
28 Special thanks too Gordon for sharing the whole weekend with us , and I ask you on his behalf to pray for the people of Northern Ireland .
29 He would tend to have a number of lowly women on his books living in the locality whom he could call upon at short notice to attend — the Mrs Gamps of this world .
30 The general secretary called on CBI head Howard Davies to build on his offer to work as the TUC 's ‘ social partner ’ .
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