Example sentences of "he had [vb pp] [prep] him [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And the King believed what they said , and was wroth against the Cid , having no love towards him because of the oath which he had pressed upon him at Burgos concerning the death of King Don Sancho his brother .
2 He had met Graham , or Green as he had referred to him throughout the interrogation , for the first time at the Windorah .
3 Mr Morraine spent most of his time dusting his collection of strange-looking rocks and stones he had sent to him from all over the world .
4 And proof that an informant had indeed reached Edward from the town was provided by the fact that the emissaries now demanded that the required hostage should be none other than Seton 's own son , a young man whom he had brought with him to Berwick on his first military venture , unfortunate a start as this had turned out to be .
5 ‘ I fully expected to see a hangar out there and there was n't one ’ , lamented Kermit as we looked through the many pictures he had brought with him to the Reno Air Races .
6 Immediately the anger and irritation he had brought with him from the house erupted in a howl of anger .
7 ‘ You two , ’ he said , picking on men he had brought with him from headquarters and therefore more experienced , ‘ you go in and walk through , keeping your eyes open .
8 He was concentrating on demolishing the last of the lime and liquorice sweets he had brought with him in his haversack from Partick , and he trod purposefully on the wet red leaves with his hiking-boots as he strode along .
9 The Minister of Labour , Ernest Bevin , received a message which he had decoded for him in a Leeds hotel by Albert Heal , a trade union leader who had run a pre-war escape route for German socialists that still had watertight communications .
10 Williamson felt he had a special bond with Hitler , and even at times imagined aloud that he had spoken to him on that fateful Christmas day .
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