Example sentences of "he had [verb] in a [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Paul had been brought up by his mother with whom he had lived in a flat behind Broadcasting House .
2 When he 'd first arrived he had lived in a succession of bedsitting rooms on the west side , for which he had been charged extortionate rents by landlords who he never met ; the third night after coming to The Bar for the first time he had slept with someone who knew of someone who had a spare room at a much more reasonable price , and Boy had moved in .
3 The strapping Scotland full back 's own cheerful confidence has always been infectious while Ian McGeechan was known to have been much struck by the esprit de corps he had engendered in a Scotland XV who but recently had undergone some drastic changes of personnel .
4 But as he made his getaway , shoppers wrestled him to the ground forcing him to drop the stolen loot — along with £200 he had stashed in a pocket — and he fled empty-handed .
5 Dr Mardell told reporters at a press conference in Zagreb that the torment and carnage he had seen in a week in Srebrenica and the nearby town of Konjevic Polje surpassed his previous experiences in Ethiopia , Liberia and Afghanistan .
6 Every Saturday night he had played in a tavern , and he 'd been known to take it to protest meetings in Clerkenwell Green to stir up radical fervour with songs .
7 The shaikh complained that he had to leave in a hurry ; his opposite number had left by plane , and he had to drive urgently to Kufra for it was essential that as many people as possible should turn up , to emphasize the seriousness of the affair .
8 He escaped in his pyjamas , and the plaster of Paris on his leg was sopping wet where he had fallen in a ditch , but he was in good spirits .
9 His emotional and intellectual development in Aden was such that it was to lead him inevitably back to France , back to emotional security with Rirette , and back to the political and social struggle from which he had escaped in a state of total disorientation a few months earlier .
10 He had played the first round , but before he had a chance even to hit a ball in the second he was out of the pre-qualifier , suffering from injuries he had received in a car accident with his caddie .
11 As he had said in a lecture delivered in Dublin in 1936 , ‘ I have myself no capacity whatever for abstract thought or indeed for any sort of thinking ’ ( the Southern Review , October 1985 ) .
12 He lost himself in its possibilities , its immensity , he went far out , and came back dazed , stunned by horizons , often with sketches he had done in a hurry and afterwards flew at with the axe of a black crayon , or a pen loaded with black ink , hacking at them fiercely , savagely , to kill off the sentimental and picturesque that was so much in vogue .
13 Working with an ensemble he had built in a hall whose construction he had supervised , he could afford to be as relaxed as he wished , and also as demanding .
14 Until recently he had resided in a castle in Fantasy Gardens complete with ornamental moat and imitation Dutch village .
15 When the three of them had been together in the kitchen , the infant Camille crawling round with jam on her face and fingers , he had sat in a state of sullenness bordering on rage or had conspicuously moved about preparing food for himself , knowing quite well that his dinner was cooking in the oven .
16 1983 S.L.T. ( Sh.Ct. ) 95 , it was held to be a breach of natural justice , where a licensing board consulted with the director of environmental health at their deliberations , where he had put in a report objecting to the grant of a licence .
17 The helmsboy then engaged full ahead , performed two pirouettes , and thundered back the way he had come in a cloud of blue exhaust smoke and coloured speech .
18 His most famous invention , however , was a stone xylophone , invented when Neddy noticed that a stone he had found in a beck gave out a clear note when struck .
19 He had brought along several exhibits , including a portrait of Darwin he had found in a junk shop and an assortment of feathers and fossils that the children were passing from hand to hand .
20 Soon all my master 's neighbours were talking about the strange little creature he had found in a field .
21 In earlier moments of crisis on this memorable afternoon , he had responded in a manner which shamed the doubters .
22 And he used to come and they could see him coming for he had to come in a cart .
23 It appears that William on his deathbed confessed that he had indulged in a fraud in getting his marriage to Adelizia nullified and at the eleventh hour did all that he could for Mabel 's succession as his heir .
24 The worst occasion from Churchill 's point of view occurred in July 1954 , after he had indulged in a piece of private diplomatic enterprise in an attempt to thaw the Cold War .
25 He had to suffer in a sense by playing in midfield but , with Robbo back , I do n't expect to be playing him there . ’
26 With direct reference to the ‘ Jewish Question ’ , and in response to a ‘ demand ’ for more radical action which he had read in a newspaper , Hitler made clear that he had at the time to proceed tactically and in stages , but that his strategy was to manoeuvre his enemy into a corner before destroying him completely .
27 Billy was too close to the policeman to make any suggestion , though he was at a loss anyway , but Freddie suddenly remembered something he had read in a newspaper about the temperance revivals in the East End of London .
28 He had spoken in a flat , matter-of-fact way , as if all this meant nothing to him .
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