Example sentences of "he was [adj] [verb] an [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Wycliffe was late for his after-dinner walk , delayed by the Captain , but he was anxious to establish an element of routine .
2 But one evening , during the first week of November , he was dismayed to hear an altercation going on in the hall in which his name was mentioned .
3 In parliament he was wont to abandon an argument half-completed if he sensed that his point had been made ; the speeches that appear in Hansard were touched up by his staff , and his speeches in the country were given to the press in advance .
4 For a while it looked as if founding editor Ken Wilson would buy the title back , but he was unable to find an editor and a valiant last ditch attempt to keep the title going , by Grey Rimmer of On The Edge , was destined to fall by the wayside .
5 That is to say , he was prepared to commission an article for The Criterion and to pay for it in advance .
6 However , Bush warned that he was prepared to postpone an agreement for Angola to open a trade mission unless the MPLA-PT government allayed UNITA and US concerns about the fulfilment of the May peace accord .
7 But he was able to overwhelm an audience of devotees by genuine warmth and frankness .
8 Although too weak to leave his bed , he was able to give an account of his experience to his visitors .
9 In addition he was able to acquire an heiress and her estates for his eldest son , Walter .
10 By the early 1620s he was able to acquire an estate at Faringdon in Berkshire , the manor house then comprising the castle .
11 Eventually a papal legate , John of Anagni , arrived in northern France on a peace-making mission and he was able to obtain an undertaking from both Kings that they would abide by the decisions of an arbitration panel consisting of himself and four Archbishops , Rheims , Bourges , Rouen and Canterbury .
12 And he was glad to have an excuse to put off telling her the news that he 'd been keeping to himself .
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