Example sentences of "he tell [art] [adj] [noun] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 He told a packed Frankfurt news conference that during the flight ‘ I gave him my pilot sunglasses .
2 He told a packed lecture chamber at Strathclyde University that the increase in CO emissions was now so large that even if there were a 1 per cent reduction worldwide from 2000 , it would take 100 years for levels to stabilise in the atmosphere .
3 The German Democratic Republic ‘ is our strategic ally and a member of the Warsaw Pact , ’ he told a Central Committee meeting on Saturday .
4 He told an anti-Common Market fringe meeting in Blackpool he said he was resigning ‘ on a matter of principle . ’
5 He told an international AIDS conference in Edinburgh that almost half of newly-infected adults were women .
6 Electronics industry consultant Bob Heikes reckons he 's likely to hang on to the job , but for all the wrong reasons : ‘ Bull is hopeless , ’ he told the International Herald Tribune — ‘ a new guy is n't going to make any difference . ’
7 ‘ Records will show very shortly that we have not had a typical winter for this part of the country and that seems to be the main reason , ’ he told the environmental health committee yesterday .
8 He told the Annual Chemical Congress in Manchester yesterday : ‘ Cigarette smoke , moisture from exhalation , aromas and smells from food and goodness knows what else are the cause . ’
9 He had come , he told the Daily Mirror reporter , to be there ‘ in case the Fascists cause trouble ’ .
10 He told the British Broadcasting Corporation ( BBC ) afterwards that the former Soviet states wanted to implement the Treaty on Conventional Forces in Europe ( CFE ) on troop reductions , and now had to decide how to apportion their shares of troop numbers under the treaty 's overall ceiling for the former Soviet Union .
11 On 11 February , he told the National Farmers Union that he had no intention of taking further steps unilaterally , but on 27 February he put out a press release saying that he did reserve the right to act unilaterally .
12 ‘ Scouting attracts the hooligans , ’ he told the National Defence Association in 1910 , ‘ who are really the fellows of character if you can turn them in the right way ; and no doubt these fellows will be of some use to us in the future instead of being absolute waste material , fit only to be buried . ’
13 He told the social work committee that Sheriff Kearney 's report , published last October , had affected Fife 's ability to compete in the jobs market .
14 ‘ I am more uncertain about the real state of our economy than at any time since I can remember , ’ he told the Foreign Press Association in London .
15 ‘ I am more uncertain about the real state of our economy than at any time since I can remember , ’ he told the Foreign Press Association in London .
16 " Spain " , he told the United Press correspondent , " has never been fascist or Nazi , and is fully capable of participating in all the political decision-making processes of the present moment . "
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