Example sentences of "he go back [adv prt] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 He went back over to the telephone drawer and took out his slim and little-used address book , flicking through to find the number of his research agency .
2 So he went back up onto the main road and very little further on , in fact , he in fact found a village and spent the night at the hostelry and he said to the man in the hostelry you know , he that he 'd been lost and that a a little bit back on the road he 'd seen this big house all alight and he had erm , you know , gone in the drive and tried to get get a room there but could n't make anybody hear and the erm the inn keeper said , no he said er you would n't make anyone hear there , he said and if you go back there tomorrow the house wo n't be there !
3 What the admiring spectators did n't see was Zarei sitting in the first aid room and insisting those helping him look away as he took off his socks , ‘ because I do n't want to frighten you ’ , and later on slipping a tape of Irish Folk music in to his Walkman as he went back on to the track and muttering quietly to himself , ‘ that will help me stop thinking of the pain ’ .
4 His duty done — that Jarvis would never know one way or the other made no difference in Jasper 's estimation — he went back on to the landing which by now was in darkness .
5 When he had dressed himself he went back out of the kitchen door ; no doubt Ellen would latch it again once she heard him go , her vengeance at what life had done to her completed .
6 He went back down to the kitchen and assembled his information on the table .
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