Example sentences of "he would [adv] [verb] for a " in BNC.

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1 He 'd only go for a couple of hours to his London office .
2 Waldheim , who had been barred from entering the USA [ see p. 35528 ] and shunned by European governments , had announced in June 1991 that he would not stand for a second term [ see p. 38298 ] .
3 He would soon argue for a Whitmanesque , democratic art , drawn from the people and distributed to them in popular editions , accessible to all and finding its way into ‘ workmen 's houses and farms ’ .
4 He said there is no prospect of Tony Bland improving , but with treatment , he would probably live for a number of years .
5 The leader of the League , Senator Umberto Bossi , said he would now press for a new federal Italy in which the northern regions would be a separate republic .
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