Example sentences of "he would [verb] [prep] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 We have a a very large brethren , er brother in the methodist ministry , and er when the mayor of Derby addressed the Methodist Conference , he said , you know , he like to come to these kind of events , and he 'd talk about the specific sort of things .
2 It was a shed hand actually , he did n't , was n't responsible for cash although he helped the cashier and er , I well remember this erm in those days the conductor used to either run into depot with the bus or he 'd get relief on the Cornhill , he walked down to the depot carrying his cash in his cash bag and then he 'd sit in the paying in room and he 'd laboriously cam carried out his cash , piling the pennies into stacks , the ha'pennies , the tokens , the sixpences , every denomination .
3 He 'd start with the gnarled old oak tree in the graveyard .
4 He 'd get to the back door in time for his morning cup of tea and a warm by the kitchen range .
5 Up sixty per cent this year in Turkey , he 'd read in The Financial Times .
6 Then I used to wait there for the Doctor , stop there and he used to , I used to pick him up and he 'd ride up the rough road till he got to his car .
7 A few moments later , balloon of armagnac in hand , I was listening to Dennis recount with great self-satisfaction how he 'd come by the priceless spirit , when our attention was drawn by the sound of running water from the kitchen .
8 He 'd hit into the heavy gorse and I honestly thought he was going to take a seven .
9 On 23 February / 7 March , five days after his accession , Alexander told the ambassadors of Austria and Prussia that in foreign affairs he would adhere to the late tsar 's principles .
10 I wonder how long he would last in the emasculated Audit Commission about which the Labour party has talked .
11 Probably a long way from his home town , he would suffer from the same economic deprivation and social stigmatization experienced by the police strikers in 1919 , without the latter 's support and solidarity .
12 Mr Shahiduddin Postman was a familiar figure at the house : every morning after delivering our mail he would squat outside the front gate , smoking a bidi with the mali , a man to whom he bore a certain resemblance .
13 Then , if there was no more work to be done that day , he would hide behind the biggest chair in the sitting room and play with his toys .
14 And then he would arrange for the grave digger to dig the grave .
15 But he would vote for the official Labour candidate in a parliamentary election .
16 Although Ceauşescu kept open the question of who would succeed him as both Party leader and head of state , by the 1980s there were only two candidates whom he would tolerate in the necessary launching-pad positions around him .
17 She would be seated in front of his desk before he allowed himself to be near her ; then he would lean against the same side of the desk as she .
18 By 1415 he showed himself willing to accept a good deal less : he would settle for the legal and territorial terms agreed at Brétigny , now more than half a century earlier , and a smaller dowry .
19 Perhaps he would settle for the Magic Flute ?
20 I thereupon asked Howard Samuel whether he would grant to the Labour Party a licence for the extract , as I had discovered from the contract that the quotation rights were vested in the publisher .
21 They returned to the room where she explained about Philpott 's heart attack and his subsequent convalescence at the Bellevue Hospital where he would remain for the next few days .
22 The 800m world record holder , who is currently training between 50 and 60 miles a week , was quick to play down any suggestion that he would finish among the top runners in the 11th London Marathon .
23 It was not at all certain , then , how he would fare against the younger breed of highly professionalized butlers looking for posts .
24 The Democratic Party presidential nominee , Bill Clinton , had attempted to take advantage of renewed concern over the availability of abortion by restating his support for the right to choose , and by promising that , if elected President , he would appoint to the Supreme Court only judges who supported Roe v. Wade .
25 Then he would kiss it where he knew its mistress 's lips had been not long before ( the location of the kiss remains a matter of debate : some say on the muzzle , some say on the top of the head ) ; he would whisper in the shaggy ear of Nero ( or Thabor ) the secrets he longed to whisper in the ear that lay between the muslin dress and the straw hat ; and he would burst into tears .
26 There was a lunatic called Mirabeau in the Rouen asylum who was popular with doctors and medical students at the Hôtel-Dieu because of a particular talent : in exchange for a cup of coffee he would copulate on the dissecting table with a female corpse .
27 Normally a knight expected to serve for about forty days a year at his own expense ; the terms of his service might also be restricted — when and where he served , and for how long he would stay after the forty days if the king paid him .
28 His whole life seemed to hang on each letter in Annie 's hand , his eyes following it until she handed it into the crowd or placed it on a pile to one side and then he would fix on the next letter and the next .
29 In 324 on arriving in the East he felt sure that soon he would go to the Holy Land to see the sacred sites and to be baptized in Jordan .
30 When it was suggested that he would go to the tough Gordonstoun school , she put her foot down .
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