Example sentences of "he have [adv] [verb] [pron] [art] " in BNC.

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1 And then I , I was at Doctor 's but he er he has n't sent me a letter .
2 McGoldrick signed on for four years after talks with Highbury boss George Graham and said : ‘ The boss has outlined his plans , but he has n't guaranteed me a first-team place . ’
3 ‘ George Graham has outlined his plans , but he has n't guaranteed me a first-team place , ’ said McGoldrick .
4 The Crystal Palace star signed on for four years after talks with Highbury boss George Graham and admitted : ‘ The manager has outlined his plans , but he has n't guaranteed me a first-team place . ’
5 And he has n't bought me a Renault er , I , I think , I , I 'd like to make the , the comment that in general the money which can be controlled at site level is that related to labour and plant .
6 Jim has made some enquiries through Italian legal colleagues and by all accounts the man does come from a very good family — very good indeed — so at least he has n't told her a tissue of lies about his background . ’
7 We got here just in the right season , and I assure you he has already shown himself a great enemy to the feathered tribe , having shot a great many beautiful birds and robbed various others of their nests and eggs .
8 He made the cut by three strokes , and in qualifying for the final two rounds he has already guaranteed himself a place on next season 's growing satellite tour , Europe 's golfing second division .
9 He made the cut by three strokes , and in qualifying for the final two rounds he has already guaranteed himself a place on next season 's growing satellite tour , Europe 's golfing second division .
10 He has also left us a remarkable four-voiced canonic Kyrie .
11 The hon. Member for Sedgefield ( Mr. Blair ) has huffed and puffed , but he has not told us the Labour party 's position on a single proposal contained in the Green Paper .
12 This afternoon , he has treated the House to an extraordinary collection of half-truths and inaccuracies , but he has not told us the Labour party 's attitude to the proposals that I identified in the statement .
13 He has not paid himself a proper wage for four months .
14 He has only expressed what a lot of other people have been starting to fear for a long time , that unless the commercial manipulators in tennis are careful , they could cook the golden goose .
15 He has now given me a further , and most embarrassing proof of his confidence by asking me to take charge of his son and heir , aged two-and-a-half months , for a short time .
16 He has now offered them the use of his white Rolls-Royce for the wedding as well as a Renault 19 for the honeymoon .
17 Mrs Gracie gave me some ; he has never paid me a penny .
18 I did n't think it was bad for off the cuff , but he 'd probably used it a zillion times before .
19 Ah no he was , he , he would n't sit on his chair cos he 'd just called me an arsehole and I goes oh sit down Greg !
20 So the other night my , the girl next door to us , her husband does painting and he 'd just got himself a new van I said fucking hell I said to him sometimes I said there 's a van outside I wan na know who it is , is that still on ?
21 He 'd often asked himself the same question .
22 In fact I broadcast that material , but I cut it into three programmes , and I , I cut in the questions I would have asked if he 'd actually given me a chance to ask them .
23 He 'd never allowed anyone the opportunity .
24 He had probably told her a lie of one sort or another every time they met .
25 He had also made himself the leading authority on fossil fish , taking over Cuvier 's work .
26 Not only had Ryan ruined her love and her trust , but he had also made her a coward .
27 I knew better than to attempt to hug Mr Broadhurst , although that was what I felt like doing , for not only did everything in his manner discourage physical relations , he had also given me a strict injunction .
28 He had also realised what the French wanted from him : the truth about the Prince of Wales ' former mistress , now immured at Godstowe .
29 He had just made himself a cup of coffee and sat in his mum 's kitchen smoking a cigarette .
30 He had just given her a triumph and had got no more reaction than if he had held a door open for her .
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