Example sentences of "he be [v-ing] [to-vb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 His sight was coming back but he still seemed to have some uneven blindness , as if he were trying to look at the world through a ragged hole in a postage stamp .
2 Following the success of Jamie Delgado in the Orange Bowl tournament in Florida in December , Lloyd confirms that he is looking to expand upon the squad scheme from which Delgado has emerged .
3 Even if he is trying to attend to the perspectival appearance presented to his point of view he may get it wrong .
4 The weakness is not in truth as the object of belief ; the weakness is in the believer since he is failing to enter into the essential obligations of believing .
5 Mr Heseltine has confirmed to us that he is going to talk to the Chancellor on this matter , and I believe he has done so ’ .
6 Will the Minister explain what he is going to say to the people of the Holloway area who find themselves in the unenviable position of having the jobcentre with the largest gap between the number of vacancies and the number of registered unemployed ?
7 Antony says how , basically , that he is going to lie about the conspirators , and the crowd will know he is meaning the opposite .
8 The GP needs to have information if he is going to look after the patient properly : he needs to know what has happened during the infarct , how severe it was , what evidence there was of heart failure , and whether the angina recurred .
9 He has remarkably little choice of action or initiative if he is going to comply with the flight manual and his company 's operations manual and at the same time carry out an economic flight .
10 Now he must be wondering how he is going to get through the week .
11 Er I think what he 's trying to say about the rich peasants is that er that they were always resisting the movement , it was only later on when they find that you know , that they , they need to get involved otherwise their own positions are er threatened then , then they 're joining and they 're only joining but were not actually participating in it , they 're not moving along , and so that 's what , that 's why he 's making a distinction between different types of peasants .
12 He 's helping to drive in the ewes for a mass ante natal clinic .
13 ‘ Show him you 're really interested in what he 's done in the past and what he 's planning to do in the future . ’
14 Jim and he 's proposing to listen to the group today with the views to joining .
15 I 'd be very interested to know er in terms of U turns which I 'll come back to , how he 's going to deal with the next item on the agenda er , whereby the Liberal Democrats have been consistent about their policy in general with a lot of obstruction and being caused problems and how Mr will agree in this chamber to actually close some people 's homes , old people 's homes
16 He 's going to live in the shop . ’
17 He 's going to go through the tapes and pick the bits he 'd like to use on Monday next week ( with a stop watch to get an idea of the bits he 's interested in ) and will book into the OUTC studio on George Street ( 278802 ) during week you 're away ( 1 day 's booking max ) , expecting some help from Astrid/Simon/anyone else who 's around .
18 ‘ He felt the referee did not have a particularly good game and I think he 's going to speak to the League about that . ’
19 well , I do n't know whether that man over there is cleaning the windows or whether he 's having to look at the double glazing again
20 Just as he was beginning to adapt to the fact that there were Muslims — and that some of them were quite pleasant — it turned out that there were as many strains of Muslim as there were of the virus responsible for the common cold .
21 Hall said that he was intending to proceed with the two offices , and during the recess he would have the interiors of the designs amended .
22 His agent said he was refusing to speak to the press after an incident in which he said he had been misquoted .
23 AT3 was much keener on the notion of cooperation with the Music department , with whom he was hoping to collaborate in the production of cartoon videos , using the school 's newly acquired colour video camera .
24 He needs the opportunity to talk about his feelings at the moment , what he was hoping to gain from the sniffing .
25 I wondered if he was trying to hide from the Eladeldi , but he was just nosing for something somebody else had dropped .
26 Sometimes in the morning , the tideline was strewn with translucent green pearls : sea emeralds , the Béatois called them , dropped by Manjiku as a promise of more treasure to the women , the future mothers he was trying to lure into the waters , for these jewels only appeared overnight , and could not be fished from the sea by day .
27 I went after him ; he was trying to get into the Land Rover .
28 He was trying to qualify for the Spring Satellite , but he returned in time to defeat Simon Bramwell ( Herts ) , in the final round .
29 The actual term ‘ desktop publishing ’ was coined by Paul Brainerd , the founder of Aldus , to describe what he was trying to achieve with the , then , newly created PageMaker program .
30 Only Leila noticed Roirbak 's quick glance upwards , as if he was trying to peer through the ceiling .
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