Example sentences of "he be [v-ing] [prep] the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Francie 's shoes were brilliant with polish but Finn 's were caked with mud — though where could he have been , had he been walking in the pleasure garden by himself , talking to the broken queen and patting the stone lioness on the head ?
2 But what would he be doing in the middle of nowhere … unless he was keeping an eye on Mungo , to see that he was safe ?
3 ‘ Only that he were hiding in the garden . ’
4 Bedraggled , barefoot , dressed in dirty white ducks , he looked as though he were hovering on the verge of death .
5 Russell 's eyes followed her every move as if he were looking through the sight of a gun .
6 Do you know , I went in there right and the majority of people never took no blind bit of notice then suddenly one person walked through the door , you know , he 's always playing next to me and he sits down , puts his trumpet there , gets his trumpet on ya , sits there , turns round and the next thing he were laying on the floor going
7 ‘ I am the Conservatives ’ Jeremy Irons , ’ he murmured as apologetically as if he were standing at the rostrum with a brand new Oscar .
8 Further on , a hundred yards off-shore , as if he were walking on the water , his companion disturbed the glass-still lagoon as he strode through the shallows over a sand bar .
9 It gets its name from the fact that it requires a fighter simply to raise his hands in a defensive position and bend his legs slightly , almost as if he were walking down the street .
10 It was as if he were preparing for the day he would be a big man himself in this town and wanted everyone on his side , wanted them all to think of him as a customer .
11 It was as if he were going to the edge again of something fresh and new .
12 His other neighbour 's child-bride kissed her boy hero each morning , in her floating web dressing gown , as if he were going to the Falklands for three months .
13 The only person that she spoke to on the whole crossing was a young man who fell on top of her as she and he were going down the stairs : he was following her , two steps behind , when the boat gave a violent lurch and he missed his footing and crashed into her , and she too missed her footing , and they both sat down together upon the stairs .
14 She spotted Nahum Morey in his rented pew , his legs outstretched and his head tipped back against the wood as if he were concentrating on the sermon 's message , but she was suddenly aware that their eyes were meeting .
15 he were running by the shed to eat it !
16 Crossing the room as though he were heading for the wardrobe , Angel Four suddenly changed direction , took two swift paces to his right , seized the curtains with both hands and jerked them open .
17 Ahead and around him as he drifted forward , the melodic light was increasing gradually , growing stronger and brighter as though he were heading for the source .
18 I drew him that , I gave him one of those [ pointing to the jumper he is wearing in the picture ] .
19 When he talks of the ‘ metal landscape ’ he is referring to the world of the train and not to the one of green landscapes which we would expect .
20 He is referring to the fact that people are prepared to compromise and will accept half-measures .
21 However , if he has disclosed that fact so as to indicate that he is transferring to the purchaser only his own possessory title , then he will not be in breach of the condition , section 12(3) .
22 At that point he is acting with the consent of the shopkeeper .
23 Generally speaking a shareholding director can vote in his own interests without regard to those of the company ; he is acting in the capacity of shareholder and not as director .
24 And then suddenly , for no reason at all , he finds he is thinking of the Pyramids .
25 As a first approximation , we may note that ( 81 ) He 's coming seems to gloss as " he is moving towards the speaker 's location at CT " , while ( 82 ) He 's going glosses as " he is moving away from the speaker 's location at CT " .
26 He is looking into the possibility of grant aid and members will be informed when firm progress has been made .
27 Mr Clinton might say in June that he is renewing MFN until 1994 ; that he is looking at the application of other American laws to areas like weapons proliferation and trade abuses ; and that he is starting some ( as yet murky ) process to ensure that the Chinese are discharging their obligations under human-rights treaties .
28 He is looking at the flowers , but he keeps turning towards the house .
29 Mentally or instinctively he is looking for the pattern and his antennae are an outward expression of that inward instinct .
30 We must distinguish the belief that a speaker has about the words he is using from the belief that he is using those words to express .
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