Example sentences of "he be [adj] [verb] [pn reflx] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And Lyle believes he is ready to impose himself in the Majors .
2 Now that it 's finished , he 's keen to distance himself from the idea that it 's a follow-up .
3 At his trial at the end of January 1990 , Postelnicu blubbed out his guilt in connection with the shootings in Timişoara and the incineration of the forty victims there , but he was anxious to defend himself from charges of cupidity .
4 He was helpless to defend himself against the terrible gleaming weapon in the fist of the menacing black figure looming over him .
5 Like most Birkbeck students , he was obliged to support himself by working at a job of some kind .
6 Some years before , he had founded in his home town of Stratford-upon-Avon a chapel in honour of St Thomas Becket and he was inclined to see himself in that tradition of defiance of the crown .
7 When Wharton had to relinquish his seat in Buckinghamshire on his elevation to the peerage in 1696 , he was unable to replace himself with a suitable man , and the by-election went in favour of a local Tory , Lord Cheyne .
8 His deafness debarred him from lectures , and he was unable to avail himself of the help of tutors , but he persevered and he graduated in 1911 , overnight becoming front-page news as the only deaf man ( then ) to achieve the academic distinction of Master of Arts of Cambridge University .
9 His financial position was secure for the first time , and for the last twenty years of his long life he was able to devote himself to his work of creating a Serbian literary language and bringing to the notice of his countrymen and the world the riches of the Serbian oral tradition .
10 Soon he was able to devote himself to it full time .
11 I mean , he was able to put himself among the duped .
12 Living at a time when the value of works of art in the market was one of taste and appreciation rather than of mere commerce , he was able to avail himself of an ample fortune to buy the finest specimens of the Fine Arts which came into the market . ’
13 Being adequately provided for , he was able to book himself into a downtown hotel which cost him three dollars per night , though he often failed to make it back to the hotel , finding the cosmopolitan and nocturnal life of the town there entirely to his liking : consecration dismantled !
14 But he was able to propel himself along the ground ‘ like a gorilla ’ .
15 He knew he had performed well and he was able to present himself in the best possible aura , that of self-satisfaction , because Hopper gave him carte blanche to edit his own part on film .
16 Ali sees in this attempt by Hacihasanzade to induce Kemalpasazade to accept a kadilik an example of a means whereby he was able to maintain himself in the office of kazasker ( first in that of Anadolu and then in that of Rumeli ) for twenty-five years .
17 Nevertheless , it is likely that he was quick to accommodate himself to the victor and to profit from a new source of patronage .
18 Charlie should have known the shysters when he saw them — but too often he was willing to identify himself with the craw-thumping brigade , allowing them to subvert his better , progressive instincts .
19 Historically , this engaging adventurer carved out a career on the frontiers of Christendom and Islam without troubling himself much about religious differences : he was happy to ally himself with Muslims when it suited him .
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