Example sentences of "he [vb mod] not [vb infin] [pers pn] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 HE MAY not say it in public , but George Graham has a clear message this morning for Ian Wright : ‘ I can always get another forward but see what trouble you 'll have leaning backwards on a broken career ’ .
2 Gandalf tells him that since he is not in a position to pass judgement on everyone he should not pass it on one person .
3 A reminder that he should not take it for granted that he would in time succeed to England , Normandy and Anjou ?
4 And now he 'll not forgive me for a twelvemonth .
5 Unless one presumed to know God 's purposes , how could one know that He might not achieve them by varying the quantity of motion ?
6 He became concerned when he could not locate him on the premises , because Mr Jowett was due to take over the lambing .
7 However , the man with the radio at the final door worked for TAP , the state airline , not the airport , so he could not open it for us .
8 He believed she did not love him because he was like his father but he could not blame her for this because he knew he was unlovable .
9 He could not associate her with panic .
10 One reason why the ‘ Other Minds ’ problem was so important for Wittgenstein was because he could not dissolve it without revising the view he had taken on this point when he wrote the Tractatus .
11 Their host , the Rev Kenneth MacAulay , great-uncle of Thomas Babington of that name , had sent a letter explaining that he could not meet them in Nairn : his priestly duties detained him in Cawdor — to which Boswell adds a footnote .
12 He could not expect them to be warmed by the idea of daffodils coming up outside .
13 He could not trust them to the dairymaids , because if the cows were badly milked their milk would simply dry up .
14 He could not help her by attacking Havvie and creating an even worse scandal ; that would be self-indulgent , merely seeking to exorcise his own guilt for not believing her .
15 For example , a social worker felt that clients could speak more openly to him because they knew he could not recognise them in other contexts , and a counsellor reported that her clients would sometimes say that they could speak more openly knowing that she could not see them .
16 He said he might sell it in Southampton if he could not get it on board .
17 We would have to hope for a Tory victory , but , because of the uncertainty about the outcome of the election , he could not put her on the waiting list .
18 He could not put them to the Committee and I look forward to seeing whether they can be put forward tonight .
19 Much as he wanted to , and much as he had been moved by her tears , he could not find it in him to forgive her .
20 More than that , and far worse , he is aware that he could not have it for himself even if it did exist .
21 He could not hear me above the din of the crowd .
22 On paper , Peter could have described his mother 's face in terms of its component parts but he could not visualize it as a whole .
23 The governor had other officials whose posts entitled them to sit in his executive council , but although they might have looked like potential ministers the legislative assemblies could not use them to control the governor and , as the governor had no automatic right to dismiss his councillors , he could not use them as his ministers either .
24 He disapproved of the casual obscenity of barrack-room conversation , but as he groped for words to express his triumphant passion , he found to his surprise that he could not say them to Bridget They would sound to her like a string of incoherent obscenities : — the Army and — second stag on East Wing Guard and — Sergeant Towser who cancelled his last leave pass and — the troop train back to Catterick on Sunday night and — the cold walk from the station to the camp and — the platform where he kissed Bridget good-bye at the end of leave and — the street corner where he had to run for his bus and — the Teddy-boy who had attacked her and — all the people and all the regulations and all the time-tables and all the clocks that had tried for so long to stop them from having this .
25 He could not reconcile it with the images he had preserved .
26 He could not see me behind the curtains , and clearly did not expect an answer .
27 And , and that 's the only reason why he wanted her there , that 's the only reason why he could not accept her as a friend or an , as a companion .
28 His impulse to clutch at her and lift her skirt and dabble with finger and thumb in her recesses led to a quick shame , and he was so appalled that he could not push her from him either but let her , still attached to his hand , mutter her compliments , in disjointed phrases falling pell mell .
29 He could not take her to bed in his double , conjugal room , but , no doubt Amaranth had a single somewhere .
30 Elsewhere in his speech Gladstone specifically referred to the long runs of periodicals in the library as being of interest to him as he could not keep them in his own library .
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