Example sentences of "he [vb mod] have [been] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Lyfing was later a pluralist with no good reputation , but it is worth noting the Chronicle D text 's description of him as " the eloquent bishop " : like Wulfstan , he may have been a notable preacher .
2 He must have been a strong contender for the Best Supporting Actor Oscar but then again , the history of the academy awards is littered with the words ‘ if only … ’
3 This tall and handsome man , not so many years older than himself — he must have been a mere boy when McAllister was conceived — could only be by his manner , and his resemblance to her , McAllister 's formidable father , so often referred to .
4 He must have been a good bit older than her .
5 He must have been a monied gentleman because it was a marvellous house .
6 And , indeed , he must have been a tough little lad to have survived it all , though it was to take its toll on him eventually ; by the time he died in far-away London at the age of 29 he had lived through some very harsh times indeed .
7 He must have been a remarkable man , because when his aircraft was shot down he lost his right hand but before many months had passed he was back on his squadron with a hook on his right arm , and although I am not one hundred percent sure of my facts here , I believe he went back on operations as a navigator or air gunner .
8 I think , when I think it since , I think he must have been a remarkable man to work and slave like that .
9 He must have been a natural for the job , being one of the very few Greeks with an appropriate qualification .
10 The way Pomiane chose to convey the necessary quantity to his listeners — he must have been a compelling radio talker — and later to his readers was in terms of " a bunch as large as a bunch of violets " .
11 He might have been a natural broadcaster but for the quality of his scripts .
12 He might have been a minor orator , not quite in the senate , nor yet on the stage , more likely at the Bar of some prosperous provincial town ; in fact he had made his early and relatively modest pile in some wholesale business .
13 He had to sing properly in Zarewitsch and one was reminded yet again that he could have been a great singer if only he had tried .
14 He could have been a handsome man .
15 If he had n't died of that heart attack , he 'd have been a mental wreck . ’
16 Naturally , Greenidge tried to emulate Richards which , when things went well , was fine , but when they did not it meant that , for a while , he gained a reputation for not being over-reliable ; perhaps he suffered from trying to hit the ball too hard , for there were plenty of people who felt that he would have been a better player had he not tried to ‘ bury the ball into the wall of some distant building ’ ( his own words ) at every opportunity .
17 That is , if then Q and If Q then R , where these are such conditionals , entail If P then R. It has sometimes been said that certain other " if " statements are not transitive — for example , " If J. Edgar Hoover had been born a Russian , he would have been a Communist " , " If he had been a Communist , he would have been a traitor " , and " If he had been born a Russian , he would have been a traitor " .
18 He would have been a good schoolmaster , I thought : gentle , precise , dry-humoured .
19 Thiercelin was somewhat less interested than he would have been a few days earlier .
20 While Chiang had little public support , he would have been a popular choice in the National Assembly , the veteran-dominated body responsible for electing the President .
21 He would have been a natural replacement for Blair , but in another cruel twist , Gallagher , a university student in Northampton , has committed himself to the English club this season and will not be available to Dungannon for the league .
22 Wihtred was in his sixth regnal year in April 697 ( CS 96 : S 18 ) , so he secured the kingship either early in 692 or after April 691 , when he will have been a young man of about 20 .
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