Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [vb infin] [pron] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 If he thinks it advisable that the complainant should ask for an investigation by either of those other Commissioners he may inform him of the steps necessary to do so .
2 We suspect that he may know something about the downing of this plane that we do n't know he knows , if you follow me .
3 Such behaviour did not recommended itself to another , more discreet , influence on Leonard during those undergraduate years : Professor F.R. Scott , later Dean of the Faculty of Law , presently , while Leonard swithered and swayed as to whether he should commit himself to the arts or commerce , his lecturer in law .
4 The presenter had been advised confidently by Coutts before he left London that , should funds be required , he should telephone them with the code-word Jabberwocky .
5 May 29 , 1975 The defendant solicitors issued a third party notice against the barrister whose advice they had taken , asking that he should indemnify them on the grounds that they had acted on his advice .
6 If the hon. Gentleman believes that there is evidence of criminality , he should draw it to the attention of the police , if he has not done so already .
7 I told the hon. Member for Bolton , North-East ( Mr. Thurnham ) , who first raised this matter , that he should draw it to the attention of the Serjeant at Arms , when appropriate action would be taken .
8 He should think himself into the position of the other person , whether in-house or customer , and try to anticipate his approach and reactions .
9 If a potential investor should assume that ‘ preference ’ means that he should prefer them to the ordinary shares he would be sorely in need of professional advice .
10 He should throw himself at the Doctor 's back , grapple with him , break the machinery at which he was working .
11 ‘ I do n't know if Bobby will break into the Great Britain team for the World Cup final against Australia in October , but he should make it for the next series and then hang on to the job .
12 If the right hon. Member has the evidence , he should place it before the Home Secretary , the police and other appropriate authorities rather than come here , in the time off that he has from his interviews on Sky , to make wild accusations about everyone involved in immigration matters .
13 When my Cid saw that they who eat his bread were returned , he went down from the tower , and received them right well , and praised them for what they had done like good knights : howbeit he was full sorrowful for Alvar Salvadores that he should be in the hands of the Moors , but he trusted in God that he should deliver him on the morrow .
14 He should have them within the hour . ’
15 He should confine himself to the questions put to him .
16 They were left feeling drained , insulted and angry at a man who suggested he should bill them for the five hours he spent at their home .
17 He rushed towards her so violently that Miss Fogerty put out her hands to grasp his shoulders before he should butt her to the ground .
18 To do this , he should know something about the probability of sounds being symbolised in one way or another , and which is the most likely way for this set of sounds to be symbolised .
19 It seemed inevitable after this that he should take himself to the nearest fish and chip shop to eat his supper .
20 The court can remit the case back to the sheriff with a direction that he should remit it to the licensing board to reconsider their decision ( R. W. Cairns Ltd. v. Busby East Church Kirk Session , cit. ) or remit the case to the sheriff to proceed as accords ( Collins v. Hamilton District Licensing Board , 1984 S.L.T. 230 ) .
21 I mean s Kingsley Black has stood it in here to the second post now if he does n't feel he can get enough on it to go for goal he should keep it in the danger area just turn it back across the face of the goal and let one of the other lads have a go at it , Collimore or Rozario .
22 Well , my mum said he should put them through the letter box .
23 For an instant , Jimmy wondered whether he should hurl himself at the plate-glass windows .
24 Perhaps he should refresh himself with the facts .
25 We have got the right Prime Minister and he must lead us into the next election . ’
26 His Prince Hal is never a roaring boy : he sits hunched or sprawled , with dark unwinking eyes : he hopes to be amused by his bully companions , but the eyes constantly muse beyond them into the time when he must steady himself for the crown .
27 If he respects and loves his original … he must liberate it from the boundaries of time , the boundaries of physical change of all sorts , the boundaries of cultural change . "
28 If the Minister is genuinely concerned about maritime safety , he must do something about the massive proposed cuts in the coastguard service .
29 He acknowledges that before a contemplative is ready , like Moses , to climb the mountain , he must prepare himself by the time-honoured Western disciplines of Lectio , Meditatio and Oratio — study of scripture , meditation and prayer — but he tells his readers that other authors will tell them all they need to know about these .
30 We are merely suggesting that if the right hon. Member for Chingford has information he must place it before the appropriate authorities .
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