Example sentences of "he [vb mod] [verb] such [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ Oh ! ’ she gasped , and unable to believe that he should think such a thing , let alone say it , she was not sure she did not lose some of her colour .
2 He found himself hovering for a dangerous moment between pity and fear and he fought down the pity at once , for it was not to be thought of that he should feel such an emotion for this evil being .
3 It is curious that he should select such a subject for his essay , drawn from a newspaper announcement of a man 's death .
4 ‘ Nevertheless , it is strange that he should keep such a sum on current account , when he could have been earning two per cent interest . ’
5 A full 40 per cent believed he should introduce such a measure in his Budget speech , with 44 per cent disagreeing .
6 ‘ But he 'll make such a mess , ’ wailed Denise .
7 Surely Dysart had never suggested he might do such a thing ?
8 It was unbelievable that he could suggest such a thing — and she wondered if it was a test of some sort .
9 ‘ Afraid of you ! ’ she gasped , and , truly horrified that he could think such a thing , ‘ No , of course not ! ’ she faced him squarely to state .
10 He could exhibit such a stolidity in this regard that the Captain more than once suggested that he might drop down the order , ‘ to add ballast to the middle ’ .
11 Nobody who knew Uncle Maurice could possibly believe that he could do such a thing .
12 The realization bit into Harry 's confidence that he could outwit such a man : who was he really fooling ?
13 That stance was supported by the university 's rector , the rock musician Donnie Munro , who said that although in an ideal world he would hope such a sale would not be necessary , there may be little alternative .
14 On the contrary , he would like such a life .
15 He would look such a fool if he had to tell someone on the end of the line that he did n't know where she was and had no idea when she was coming back .
16 He said he would support such a committee but did not feel it was appropriate that the department was represented on it .
17 He hoped that he would have such a success on the minimum wage .
18 She did not understand that he was mocking her , or that he would take such a revenge on her for the pleasure he found in her .
19 In a contract of sale , other than one to which subsection ( 3 ) below applies , there is an implied condition on the part of the seller that in the case of a sale he has a right to sell the goods , and in the case of an agreement to sell he will have such a right at the time when the property is to pass .
20 If the Foreign Secretary is ready to say that he will veto such a treaty , I shall give way to let him do so .
21 ‘ Waldegrave must be mad if he thinks he can control such a beast . ’
22 The less initiative the worker has , the better he can tolerate such a job .
23 PAMELA : That poor gentleman has a great deal to mend in himself before he can begin such a practice in his family .
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