Example sentences of "he [vb -s] an [adj] [noun] in " in BNC.

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1 Retired joiner Ted is not just a figurehead , as many presidents are he plays an active part in the running of the club and was recently honoured by the CIU and the club for completing 25 years in the post .
2 He plays an evil father in the Oscar-nominated British film Howards End and the vampire killer in Bram Stoker 's Dracula , both currently on general release .
3 There will be an opportunity to see this when he holds an Open Day in aid of charity in the Spring .
4 He has an impressive grounding in Western thought and argues that book-banning is an honorable part of the Western liberal tradition .
5 The next question 's got to be to Kim , if only six pounds of his premium is buying units in , if he has an escalating plan in his first four years , what 's the other twenty four pounds going towards ?
6 He has an effective slogan in asking the American people : Do you just want more of the same ?
7 He has an excellent record in this field .
8 He has an excellent background in support , not involved in in the running but continuous interest and support and for him to take on this challenge shows a particular kind of commitment to the work of the Save The Children Fund and we 're very grateful to him for taking it on and I sincerely hope that he will enjoy the experience , especially after meeting all of you today .
9 He claims to have played a vital role in the final stages of negotiations to bring the long-awaited community hospital to East Cleveland and he has an active interest in cleaning up local beaches .
10 He says an overweight lorry in a crash will smash a car to smithereens .
11 He takes an impish delight in shocking the press and dismaying the clients as he prepares to change direction : ‘ To be provocative is important , and change is vital for personal survival .
12 He takes an active role in key planning and new model decisions — most recently to start manufacturing a new car in the US — while , say employees , being happy to let others take the credit .
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