Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [vb pp] [prep] an [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Those are the words of the international protection director of the UNHCR , and he has touched upon an important point .
2 Forest want an answer from Keane by the end of this week and he has asked for an extra couple of days to iron out the finer details .
3 Since he resigned as defence secretary over the Westland helicopter affair in 1986 , he has campaigned for an active industrial policy .
4 The inference that he did so by selling is supported by the incidental evidence of miracle-stories : one from St-BenoƮt-sur-Loire , for instance , recorded in the 870s , tells of two " comrades " ( compares ) at the monastery 's weekly market , who quarrelled over the 12d. they had made on their joint transactions ; another story of similar date from St-Hubert in the Ardennes has a peasant ( rusticus ) stating quite explicitly that he has come to an annual fair " to acquire the wherewithal to pay what I owe to my lord " .
5 That he has been able to combine both ministries would be surprising were it not for the fact that he has worked as an active Socialist besides having a good track record in cultural affairs .
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