Example sentences of "he [vb -s] [vb pp] [prep] a [adj] " in BNC.

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1 He has lived on a collective farm in Ukraine since 1945 but was flown back to France by a French television station .
2 He has lived in a large house in Buckinghamshire for several years .
3 However , he has insisted on a better system of debtor management with a proper analysis of debtor accounts and a tighter credit policy , has required full explanations of any discounted room rates or complimentaries and has introduced spot checks to compare the Housekeeper 's reports and Reception 's daily letting reports .
4 For 36 years , he has survived through a sure-footed personal response to problems .
5 Howard realizes that he has hit upon a radical solution to one of the main problems in enjoying a satisfactory life-style .
6 Sting 's set with a fascinatingly diverse band sounded as though he has moved into a different dimension from his Police days — to this reviewer at least , he was a revelation .
7 The anthropologist 's appetite for information and his curiosity are boundless , and he is naturally particularly attracted by those avenues of inquiry where the answers come hard , suggesting that he has touched on a sensitive and hence significant vein .
8 ‘ I always rated Pally at Ayresome Park , but there is no doubt he has blossomed on a bigger stage .
9 This year Mansell has finally claimed the championship he has chased for a dozen years .
10 This year Mansell has finally claimed the championship he has chased for a dozen years .
11 On the contrary , he has pressed for a centralised federation in which Serbia would presumably play a dominant role .
12 In a wide ranging and at times overtly anti-communist speech , described by the Guardian of March 30 as " more measured and specific than any he has given for a long time " , Yeltsin pilloried central government policy , labelling perestroika the " last phase of the stagnation period " .
13 I have used some of the things that he has done as a good example to myself .
14 The committee express their thanks for the work he has done in a voluntary capacity over the past months .
15 This is something he has carried in a big way into his later professional life .
16 Bob Murray , Sunderland 's chairman , has stressed again this week that Malcolm Crosby has no guarantee of permanently securing the job he has held on a temporary basis since Denis Smith 's sacking in December .
17 He has got through a dozen of them over the years and generations of cricketers have passed by .
18 He can argue that he has responded in a statesmanlike manner to the democratic will , and done what was asked of him .
19 In the sleeper compartment of a train speeding through the night a youth crouches over a naked woman he has drugged with a hypodermic syringe .
20 In office , doffing his hat to ‘ fairness ’ , he has presided over a wild game of insults and shadow-boxing between Americans , Europeans and Japanese .
21 Members of the Dan Quayle Commemorative Foundation hope to display memorabilia he has donated at a converted church in his home town of Huntington , Indiana .
22 Such is the case of an innocent person into whose pocket a thief , in order to escape detection , inserts a purse which he has stolen from a third person .
23 He has thought of a new title : Loot … ’
24 Since then , he has crammed in a whole host of charitable activities including being secretary of Cleveland Rotafac Trust , a charitable group set up by the Rotary Club of Guisborough and Great Ayton .
25 Over the years , says Ash , he has worked with a great number of PhD students , all of them very able , some outstandingly so .
26 That the miller 's knives substitute for his sexual potency rather than reflect it is indicated by the superiority of the clerk 's performance in bed with his wife to anything he has managed for a long time : He has fathered two children , but , like Bayard , his sexual energy is now exhausted .
27 He has found in a three-year programme that tuber size and yield increased the most when both foliar phosphate and basal fertiliser phosphate were applied to the plants .
28 Oh he , he 's turned into a nice boy has Paul .
29 No I was wa er what what the other guys did he 's gone through a whole load of newspapers cutting peoples faces out
30 But after all I mean , he 's put in new plumbing , he 's put in a new boiler , all the plumbing , he did n't pull his muscles at all , he went to pick a light carton out of the back of a car , twisted his
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