Example sentences of "he [was/were] [adv] in [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Six died he were , he were only in a week
2 And then he was away in no time … cor he was quick , straight from the Barcelona Olympics I think .
3 There was never any mention of further plans for parachuting after the first operational disaster , and the correspondents agree that he was away in the desert .
4 BROTHER CADFAEL had made one journey to the hamlet of Preston in search of the young man Aldhelm , only to find that he was away in the riverside fields of the manor of Upton , busy with the lambing , for the season had been complicated by having to retrieve some of the ewes in haste from the rising water , and the shepherds were working all the hours of the day .
5 No reply , but that was not unusual at three o'clock , since he was probably in a hostelry somewhere .
6 As the new Chancellor , he was already in a position of considerable influence .
7 He ran across the road and heard the French shout as they saw him , but by the time they had pulled their triggers , he was already in the shelter of the tall trees .
8 He was already in the boat .
9 He was just in a rut ; comfortable , but a rut all the same .
10 Perhaps he was just in the kind of trance he went into as a matter of course every time illness was discussed .
11 Tactically , both skippers were able to hold their own in the starts ; indeed , although Schumann did not win a race , he was ahead in the weather mark in four of his matches .
12 We learned later that he was paid an honorarium by the government in far-off Santiago , so that he was also in a sense their man in Punta Arenas , and it was , therefore , quite natural for him to cultivate us and be as helpful as possible .
13 The tutor-organiser was also best-placed to counsel WEA students considering full-time higher education on adult state scholarships ( of which there were two in Northamptonshire at the time ) ; he was also in a position to attend daytime meetings of local bodies , on behalf of the WEA .
14 IBM Corp traditionally sends departing executives off with glowing resumees of their illustrious careers , so it was striking that the announcement late Friday that former chairman and chief executive officer John Akers had just retired from the company after 33 years was accompanied by the briefest and curtest summaries of his career — after all , the man had significant achievements behind him when he acceded to the top job , and it is arguable that many of the problems that plagued the company during Akers ' tenure were the fault of his predecessors , although it must be said that he was also in the loop at the time .
15 He said he was also in the film . ’
16 His demise was predicted by party colleagues who believed he was frequently in the news for all the wrong reasons .
17 He was thus in a position to observe closely not only the political reactions in Paris but also the establishment of the new Court .
18 He was perpetually in the grip of some obscure , niggling , unexplained bitterness , which led him to repudiate most of the overtures which Clara would from time to time make towards him ; she made these attempts because she was less frightened of him than she was of her mother , and she did on one or two occasions — the purchase of a bicycle , permission to go to the cinema — manage to enlist his sympathies .
19 But he was clearly in a hurry , so it would have to wait until they reached the palazzo .
20 But he was clearly in no mood for listening to her excuses .
21 He was always in a hurry to get where he was going and always in a hurry to leave it when he got there .
22 NOELLA MIRVILLE ( NEIGHBOUR ) : He was always in a hurry .
23 He had that wonderful stretch when he was always in the frame and he won five times in Europe , including the British Open .
24 She thought of Giles Carnaby both continuously and not at all ; he was permanently in the head , but as some unavoidable elemental force — she could not consider him as a person , reflect upon character or deeds .
25 There was nothing to indicate that he was anywhere in the village , and she did n't want to waste time on being any more thorough than this .
26 " Hazel could not help noticing , with reluctant admiration , that although Bigwig had lost his temper , he was apparently in no hurry on his own account and seemed less frightened than any of them .
27 Thus commenced a quest for salvation which lasted six years and in which he was often in a state of great depression .
28 He began to look pale and sad in those days , and he was often in the village pub , drinking and talking to the people there .
29 In fact Andrew showed considerably more affection for our mutual and pretty little friend Mary McLeod , and he was often in the company of a blond and beautiful girl , the glamorous Gloria , who looked better in a bikini on the Windrush verandah , it must be confessed , than many another .
30 it was a it was full pass inside to two fullbacks er , for the Southampton player that was running on this fullback shaded it away you know , guiding him out of it , he 's running to the e sa Smeichel came out to the edge of the area but he was like right on the edge as the player was coming to him , so he just let it roll a little bit further , he stopped it with his foot , the guy came and tackled him off got it instead of just picking it up with his hand , I mean he was actually in the area but like he was right on the edge and he took a step back
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