Example sentences of "he [was/were] [adv] [verb] [adv] [to-vb] " in BNC.

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1 He was probably sent there to take a look at some local biochemical machines because even a quick glance would be very revealing to an expert , and Ralph Pike is an expert .
2 Further their Lordships have no doubt that when Lord Bridge , after quoting the guiding principle , gave certain examples he was not intending thereby to lay down an exhaustive list of tests to be applied in all cases in determining whether or not profits arose in or derived from Hong Kong .
3 His naturally reserved style , together with his apparent unwillingness to condemn either the boycott or Sharpton 's involvement in the Bensonhurst case , resulted in widespread criticism that he was not doing more to ease racial tensions .
4 He was even known occasionally to sprint on the spot .
5 But he was somewhat taken aback to learn that it was a severe case of overswinging .
6 Here is the opposite extreme , three or four weeks later , when he was still struggling hard to become a dancer but already working hard on his first ballet :
7 He was still prepared enough to face reality to reorganise his own mortgage so he got a fixed interest rate for the next three years .
8 He was too taken aback to reply .
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