Example sentences of "he [vb past] the [det] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 There was plenty of praise and some prizes for Ben when he became the All British Champ .
2 This remained only a vague idea until he read the same Soviet paper from the 1970s as Chatterjee had seen and which dealt with the abundance of helium-3 and helium-4 in minerals .
3 He used the same foul language and coarse expressions the big Glaswegian would have used and , of course , McEllhoney laughed and made the expected ribald comment .
4 Very likely he used the same precise manner ; she could n't imagine him doing otherwise .
5 It seems that the potential of this new method was not realized in petrology for another forty years , for the first printed account did not appear until 1831 , in H. T. M. Witham 's Observations on Fossil Vegetables , when he published an account of how he prepared the many thin slices of fossil wood of which a microscopical description is furnished in the text .
6 Then he slipped into a deep sleep , and all at once the warm feeling of happiness deserted him and his stomach heaved as he recognised the same old nightmare returning : the walk along the jetty , the cruel hands dragging him to the edge , the utter helplessness as they lowered him into the icy water , the wave that broke over his head — and at last , that terrible choking sensation .
7 He showed the same scant respect for other agents of central power .
8 He exposed the many devious ways in which Governments bent the rules of free trade in their favour , while flying the free trade banner .
9 But he soon forgot his discomfort when he examined the many interesting rocks .
10 He wore the same black clothes — baggy corduroys , heavy sweater , working-man 's jacket — that he had worn through the Sixties and Seventies .
11 He wore the same khaki overalls as we all did , but he had a major 's crown on each shoulder .
12 He wore the same sombre clothes as Lever , a wine red pau that made them seem more like clerks than the heirs to great Companies .
13 Nails , now a connoisseur of horses , looked critically at Midnight and saw that he possessed the same nervous temperament as Lucky Lady Firelight , and was pleased .
14 Even Frank Sinatra said that Darin would be his successor — he had the same tremendous phrasing — although death cheated him of that .
15 He had the same flat back to his head and angularity of neck , and his walk was tense and silent .
16 He had the same smarmy patter .
17 and a he had the same unyielding attitude to life that Germans would have and a very bad temper .
18 Contemporary miniatures show that Dara bore a striking resemblance to his father ; he had the same deep-set almond eyes , the same straight , narrow nose and long , full beard , although in some pictures he appears to have been slightly darker and more petite than Shah Jehan .
19 He said the former Yugoslav republic could become a ‘ European Lebanon ’ and fighting would spread beyond its frontiers if Bosnia crumbled into separate ethnic mini-states .
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