Example sentences of "he [vb past] [adv prt] on the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Furthermore , when he checked back on the correlation between his simple lix values and the criterion of pooled estimates of difficulty , he found that the figure was 0.92 , which was exactly the same as that obtained from the multiple regression .
2 Branch manager Richard Fairhurst took a back seat for the day , as he rode along on the back of a tandem .
3 I was milking my goats in the field , and he got down on the ground and put his head near my foot .
4 Even when he was small , out hunting , and broke his arm , could n't wait until he got back on the horse , used his stock for a sling and rode home . ’
5 To steady himself he sank down on the side of the bed .
6 It caught him full in the middle of his back , throwing him into the air before he crashed down on the cobbles .
7 With a meekness that made her feel mean , he knelt down on the floor and started to gather his cuttings together .
8 He knelt down on the sheet .
9 He messed about on the calculator .
10 He flailed around on the snow .
11 But anyway , he came up on the Monday er sorry , on the Friday when they was paying out , he said , Which chappie paid you ?
12 He came up on the train for a few days , very nervous , wearing his best suit .
13 Old Hewlett-Packard Co hands say that back in their day Lew Platt never looked to be a contender for the presidency : they are gratified to see him elevated since he came up on the Unix side and wonder how much should be read into that .
14 But my father went to America just after the war , and when he came back on the Queen Mary , he brought my mother some nylons , which were not obtainable in Britain at that time .
15 Yeah , cos we was there in the August , they were n't , we moved in , in the July , there , and the girls were , Matthew was just four , cos just as we moved in our dad took Matthew to Hungary with him , it was like , it was like they were going on the following Wednesday , and he told me on the Friday , he came in on the Friday night , they planned , it was our dad , Crystal and Danielle , Crystal and Danielle , but she said even if I go out in the middle of .
16 He came in on the Tube as usual , and walked the last quarter-mile .
17 He decided to leave them to it , and as he came out on the landing he almost collided with Beryl who must have been eavesdropping .
18 It sounded like a question , but he had no intention of waiting for her answer , as he dropped down on the bed beside her , lacing his fingers through her lustrous brunette tresses , controlling the movement of her head so she could not escape the seductive power of his mouth as he took her unwilling lips with practised artistry .
19 The hot shine must have cut to black as he was soft-footing it up the stairs , because when he turned around on the half-landing and crouched behind the angle of the banister the only light in the hall was the inward spill from the porch , and that was getting less as the door slowly closed on its hydraulic arm .
20 The phone kept ringing and no one there , and then he turned up on the doorstep .
21 It must have been quite a shock when he turned up on the doorstep . ’
22 He turned over on the ground , and put his hand to his cock and squeezed himself .
23 Galliéni , who was senior to Joffre , had been offered the supreme command , a post he turned down on the grounds that all his experience had been as a colonial soldier and administrator .
24 The horseman took a great pride in his horses , as we have seen ; and when he turned out on the highway he was careful to see they were braided up , the brasses highly polished , and the bounces — the ‘ lovely coloured worsted ’ , as one horseman called them — properly displayed .
25 When at last he hauled back on the stick the ground was close and rushing up .
26 Automatically he hauled back on the stick .
27 He threw up on the floor , beer mixed with bile steaming in the cold .
28 Then he climbed up on the rail and swung muscularly from the butt of one of the loading extensors .
29 Well he climbed up on the roof and he came down again and whatever he done , there was nothing wrong with the roof for a start
30 Like most presidents , he began with earnest expressions of intent to work harmoniously with congress , but unusually , he followed through on the promise .
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