Example sentences of "he [vb past] [conj] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 He recovered but at the age of 22 was left almost completely bald and had to wear a wig , a fashion he discarded in the heat of India .
2 ‘ This can not be accident , it must be design , ’ he commented when at the age of 65 his great hour came .
3 He stated that at the time he left , 1859/60 , the holdings were made into one large holding .
4 He was good at them , linking all the stories together with more gum and spit , reintroducing the characters with , ‘ You know that bad bad man who was caught naked in the bathing hut ? ’ , as in a wild soap opera , until he knew that at the end of her day spent sucking on dusty brain juice , her maddening mouth would inevitably say , ‘ Hey , Changez , husband or whatever you are , do n't you know any more about that politician geezer that got thrown into jail ? ’
5 I ONCE read a book by Bertrand Russell in which he said that at the age of seven years ( as I remember ) he got up one night to see whether there were , in fact , four angels round his bed :
6 He said that at the party conference , those who feared they had a weak leader , could take comfort from the belief that there was a strong man waiting in the wings to take over .
7 He said that at the end of the day the appeal court was concerned with the proper interpretation of the act and the issue turned on the words used in it .
8 A typical example is his remarks at the Cabinet meeting which approved the employment White Paper , when he suggested that at the beginning of a slump the Cabinet should declare a ‘ Salute the stomach ’ week along the lines of the wartime ‘ Salute the soldier ’ weeks , but with the emphasis on spending rather than saving .
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