Example sentences of "on [pers pn] [prep] the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Gav — who probably epitomised thick-skulledness , though admittedly would not be amongst one 's first fifteen when it came to offering proof of heavy traffic within the central nervous system — opened one bleary eye and focused on me with the same accuracy one has grown to expect from security forces aiming baton rounds at protesters ' legs .
2 He was honest enough to admit that he had to rely on me for the practical side of the business , and gave me a good rise in pay .
3 ‘ I was so afraid you would be hurt , then I found myself wondering if I could trust David or whether he would walk out on me at the first sign of trouble . ’
4 This one leapt on me at the exact moment that Junior unloosened his arms and thrust himself into his father 's crying : ‘ Daddy , Daddy , I like this nice man .
5 The great , distinguished people of the world do not know that these beggars can in the pride of their souls , look down on them as the unfortunate ones , who are left on the shore for their worldly uses , but whose life ever misses the touch of the lover 's arms . ’
6 These ledgers can be easily subdivided , enabling several clerks to work on them at the same time and it is also easier to withdraw old accounts and insert new ones in their place .
7 They all run the recently-released version 6 of the company 's Unix SVR4-based DRS/NX operating system , though Unix Systems Labs ' Destiny will appear on them during the first quarter of next year .
8 The English cathedrals also paid heavily for their association with Arminianism , as image-breakers inflicted considerable damage on them during the civil war .
9 There is little traffic on them during the dark hours at present , but if the lines are to be used by freight trains — some of them a mile long trundling through the night and causing heavy vibration and noise , there will be a dramatic effect on the environment and quality of life of those who live in proximity to them .
10 Indeed there are strong resemblances between them , especially when one looks back on them from the present day and across all that has happened in theology since Ritschl .
11 It is possible that local managers were looking over their shoulders in planning ahead ; there was little pressure on them from the informed public to achieve rundown and disperse asylum services .
12 A square of amber light shone down on them from the open hatch .
13 Some geology departments do not offer M Sc degrees , others offer very few , and the relative ‘ value ’ placed on them by the awarding universities varies .
14 Openness , urged on them by the hegemonic power , the United States , and the international organisations it dominated , and implicitly accepted by their own decisions to borrow heavily from foreign banks , multiplied their vulnerability .
15 ENGLAND and Holland have declined to enter the sixth European Women 's Indoor Cup early next month because it has been sprung on them by the European federation .
16 It repeals a duty conferred on them by the existing regime to monitor the wholesomeness of water in their areas .
17 The family who had owned and operated the mill continued to live in the imposing nearby mill house , but were unable to fund a restoration of the redundant mill , so that when a Repairs Notice was served on them by the local authority , they were obliged to sell the building .
18 Perhaps some forgiving souls might protest that former East German athletes had faced a particular difficulty in giving up the bad habits imposed on them by the success-seeking machine of the old Communist regime , and that it would be unfair virtually to close off their future just because they had n't yet properly learned another way of doing things .
19 The best trainees and established dealers had little beyond brief academic demands made on them in the early days .
20 ( Grimmitt 1973 ) , which advocated the dimensional alongside the existential approach to RE , advised intermingling the experiential , mythological and ritual dimensions and focusing on them in the primary school , adding the social and ethical together for lower Secondary , and finally bringing in the doctrinal with the upper forms of Secondary schools , as this dimension is the most difficult to cope with ( pp. 50 , 92f ) .
21 By the early eighteenth century , the Jacobite supporters of the deposed king had become closely associated with popery , and the English church and state had assumed the role of a full and active member of the international Protestant alliance , a role which radical Protestants at home had been unsuccessfully urging on them throughout the previous century and a half .
22 Mike , has there been extra pressure on you during the past year not to flirt at your radio station ? ’
23 A thousand salutes 0 Caesar and may Jupiter smile on you at the Neronian Games .
24 look down on you in the middle class !
25 You are not helping the players , because if you try to do that they will come to rely on you in the actual performance .
26 Its bluish-black eyes seemed to focus on her for the first time .
27 It dawned on her for the first time that perhaps the other woman had married for money .
28 His admirable Swiss detectives had checked up on her with the central police register of foreigners , and then elicited the information from the police in Jersey .
29 Enough death and suffering already laid blood-guilt on her over the old guilts from home .
30 There are to be two features on her in the illustrated papers , Uncle Lionel says .
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