Example sentences of "on [art] [adj] [noun pl] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Agriculture flourished on the fertile soils of Kosovo and Metohija .
2 At the same time the general level of wealth in this unremarkable corner of the East Midlands , peopled entirely by peasant farmers , with a leavening of yeomen and only a handful of rich squires , was lower only than on the fertile cornlands of Norfolk and in the opulent Stour Valley manufacturing district — higher not only than in other , similar regions but also Berkshire , which the yield of the loans , 1522 — 3 , placed fifth jointly with Suffolk , and Gloucestershire which shared fourteenth place with Rutland itself .
3 However , too heavy an emphasis on the affective dimensions of care-giving can obscure the sheer physical and emotional labour involved ( as the current rhetoric of ‘ community care ’ indeed does ) .
4 A great Himalayan climb draws on the deepest resources of body and mind .
5 But Indian spiritual teaching maintains that Sanskrit was not ‘ thought up ’ but ‘ heard ’ as vibrations on the inner planes of meditation by yogis .
6 The Clow Committee had recognised there would be practical problems : the quarterly cycle of meter reading would make it difficult to concentrate the higher charge on the crucial months of December , January and February when demand was highest ; in really cold weather or if coal remained in short supply it would have only limited deterrent effect ; and off-peak demand might be adversely affected .
7 What is an acceptable chi-square value ? , and so on — little of this will cast very much light on the crucial issues of method , namely what shall we study ?
8 The Report , to the surprise of some , was silent on the subject of secondary-school organization and on the strong differences of opinion then developing on whether secondary modern schools reserved by design for the less able could ever succeed .
9 Secondary school forecasts also use these sources together with information from current primary school rolls and data on the recent patterns of movement between local primary and secondary schools .
10 The public finance model needs to be developed in these respects , drawing on the recent developments in macroeconomics .
11 There is general agreement , shared even by the Government in its White Paper response to Lord Justice Woolf 's Report on the recent riots at Strangeways and elsewhere , that British prisons ‘ should sustain prisoners … not degrade them ’ .
12 Farndon & Holt will give catches of small chub and dace while the streamier waters on the higher reaches to Bangor best of all with chub , dace and few grayling .
13 I have concentrated on the higher forms of life , not only because they are easy to observe but also to some extent because they have greater meaning for our own species .
14 Early indications that importers are having difficulty in passing on the higher costs of imports , and the latest savings ratio of 11.6 per cent in 1992 , compared with 9.7 in 1991 and 12.4 in 1981 , caused little surprise .
15 , The congress called for the introduction of a solidarity tax on industry and a supplement on the higher levels of income tax to finance the reconstruction of former East Germany , which it said should be carried out according to " ecological principles " .
16 On the higher slopes of Park Fell overlooking Alum Pot , water bubbles from the peat and takes shape as a stream known as Long Churn Spring , coursing down the hillside through a morass to reach a limestone scar on the 1200-ft contour , where it disappears into Upper Long Churn Cave .
17 leader of Britain 's private schools on the low levels of funding of state schools .
18 His thinking is reflected in his later autobiography , which incorporates his Historical Note on the Various Projects of Descent on England .
19 This does not tackle head on the various problems of priority raised above , but the principle of minimum coverage seems a very good starting point for a public librarian , allowing value judgements to concern themselves with the degree of provision attempted within the overall coverage .
20 Many women found it difficult to put an exact figure on the amount of time they spent on the various areas of farm work .
21 Friedman sees the real demand for money ( M D /P ) as depending on total wealth ( W ) , the expected rates of return on the various forms of wealth ( r ) , the ratio of human wealth to non-human wealth ( w ) and society 's tastes and preferences ( T ) .
22 Deedee Halleck , founder of Paper Tiger Television in New York and Associate Professor at the University of California , San Diego , gave a vivid presentation on the various possibilities of public access channels in the USA , including the alternative production network , Deep Dish TV .
23 There are chapters on the various types of adventures , problem solving , mazes , and an excellent walk-through analysis of Artic 's ageing classic , The Golden Apple .
24 On the various types of tenure by which people held their farms and cottages the reader is referred to Dr Christopher Clay 's lucid account in Joan Thirsk ( ed . ) ,
25 He persuaded Indian princes to fund the East India Association ( 1866 ) which gave him a platform for his campaign to open the Indian Civil Service to Indians and for publicizing his ‘ drain theory ’ , which presented British rule as a drain on the financial resources of India .
26 They gave an unqualified audit report on the financial statements of Atlantic for the year ended 31 December 1987 ( before the acquisition ) and for the year ended 31 December 1988 ( i.e. in part after the acquisition ) .
27 Unfortunately , the best vines grown on the south-facing slopes beneath Mutigny come within the communal borders of Mareuil-sur-Aÿ .
28 Calcretes developed in this way are thickest and at the greatest depth in the soil profile in areas of 100 400 mm ( 4–16 in ) of rainfall especially on the temperate margins of deserts ( Mabbutt , 1977 ) and become thinner and much nearer the surface in the arid regions proper .
29 Discussions focussed on the inter-related elements of documentation , information and communication .
30 So far , this has concentrated on the visible areas of Council service delivery — refuse collection , parks , buses and similar front-line services .
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