Example sentences of "on [pron] [coord] [verb] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ You can just jump down on everyone and turn them into worms , ’ the imp added encouragingly , ignoring his last remark .
2 Underhill then turned on me and bit me on the back of the hand .
3 But at the funeral , in a fit of hysteria , she turned on me and blamed me for causing her father 's death .
4 Send me letters here still and I shall ask my new friend Mr ( wall-eyed ) Wood ( prop. ) to sit on them or speed them to another valley by pigeon post .
5 Canvassers for the main parties report ‘ white-hot indifference ’ mingled with ‘ raging boredom ’ as householders slam their doors on them or attack them with peashooters and water pistols from upper windows with a degree of commitment to the democratic process which experienced observers described as ‘ unprecedented ’ and ‘ profoundly conducive to thought ’ .
6 I refused to let the nurse wield her scissors on them and put myself through gyrations of a one-legged contortionist to get them off whole .
7 In one of his operations he had British Intelligence print hundreds of thousands of fake stamps with a picture of Himmler on them and distributed them through Switzerland into Germany .
8 She wanted only to rid herself of the blocks Ewan had inflicted on her and lose herself in a new future .
9 She would make a dash for it and be in the garden before anyone had a chance to walk in on her and take her by surprise .
10 Later Lisa was to wonder at the power of the sensations that swept in on her and possessed her at that moment .
11 Rosa said , ‘ It 's nothing , ’ and picked up the laundry and set off again.Her legs moved , her feet went forward one behind the other , but she felt winter come down on her and numb her to the bone .
12 Then , when his owner wanted to catch him she would grab the rope which was trailing on the ground , and take possession of his head before he managed to rear up on her or kick her with his hind legs .
13 The lion immediately jumps on him and forces him to the ground .
14 The robot put Buff to sleep , then put the spacesuit on him and carried him to the spaceship .
15 The gang pounced on him and knocked him to the ground — but he curled up into a ball to save himself as punches and kicks rained down .
16 As a result her handsome husband shrank into a shrivelled old man until he was so deformed the gods took pity on him and turned him into a cicada — one of the first creatures to excitedly greet the dawn on a warm summer 's day .
17 In a flash Perdita closed on him and bashed him across the knuckles with her stick .
18 I 've seen the man 's face actually resting on the foot of the horse ; but never at any time the horse stand on him , tramp on him or damage him in any way .
19 She did n't want to think about Timothy Gedge , to dwell on him or to consider him in any way whatsoever .
20 The HMI document The Curriculum from 5 to 16 suggests that ‘ all that pupils learn should be practical , and therefore relevant , in ways which enable them to build on it or use it for their own purposes in everyday life ’ .
21 An adult , by itself , will be hard-pressed to repel a determined attack on its young , but in a massed colony , outraged parents join together and surround an intruder in a cloud , shrieking angrily , diving on it and harrying it in a continuous attack .
22 Young children often play with just one block at a time ; they may stand on it , sit on it and use it in their imaginative play as a parcel , steering wheel or tool .
23 But one tried to put a good face on it and keep them to oneself .
24 I could roll this through the mud , spit on it and put it through dog 's dirtisisism and most people would still say yes please .
25 He took out the torn fragment with ‘ BORVEL NEM AKT printed on it and showed it to Vic .
26 Luckily his jacket had caught on it and saved him from falling .
27 She hid the cutting in the cocktail cabinet in the prop-room — if she took it home Uncle Vernon might get his hands on it and embarrass her by reading it out to the commercial travellers .
28 Try to get a grip on yourself and tell me about it . ’
29 Occupied by its clichés , its principles , and its strategies , the sick mind of the central colourless figure unwittingly deploys subversive discursive counter-strategies that turn these ‘ conventional weapons ’ back on themselves and expose them for what they are .
30 Do n't just prolong the issue , do n't pick on us and lock us in a room thinking that when we come out we 're going to be as good as gold , because we 're not .
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