Example sentences of "on [noun] [noun] at the [noun] " in BNC.

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1 A FRENCHMAN injured in a climbing accident on Ben Nevis at the weekend died in a Glasgow hospital yesterday , bringing to 15 the number of people killed on Scottish mountains since the beginning of the year .
2 Britain 's first application was tabled in august , just after the Kuwait crisis , but had little effect on Defence policy at the time , because negotiations were relatively short-lived .
3 The organisation published a draft standard on computer graphics at the end of March .
4 Wight , the eighteenth-century author and authority on election law , together with Bell and Connell , who both wrote books on election law at the beginning of the nineteenth century , used the English spelling .
5 THE BEST sit-com ever made actually began a year earlier , written by estranged Hancock creators Ray Galton and Alan Simpson , but in '64 an episode was actually postponed on Election Day at the request of opposition leader Harold Wilson , who feared Labour voters might stay at home ( See ?
6 LIPHOOK Civil Service Retirement Fellowship met on election day at the village hall as their usual venue at Liphook Church Centre was being used as a polling station .
8 If you are not on income support at the moment and you wish to make a claim for benefit , please apply to the Council now .
9 This study found that 73% of lone mothers depended on income support at the time of the survey , and of these only 28% had had regular full time employment before becoming a lone parent .
10 15 years ago Impersonator Mike Yarwood made an appeal for Jubilee Year in the guise of Prince Charles on Mike Yarwood in Persons on BBC1 , while dancers of the London Festival Ballet were accompanied by Kenny Ball and His Jazzmen on Saturday Night at the Mill .
11 School ceilidh : The Hurworth School Parent Teacher Association has organised a ceilidh on Saturday night at the school hall .
12 On Saturday night at the end of the Rosary Moran said , ‘ I want to offer a final prayer to God that He may guide your father on the right course , ’ and they all knew , even to the boy Michael , to what he was referring .
13 Our week of innocent pleasure ended on Saturday night at the Club dance .
14 The marks are usually found on rock outcrops at the edge of upland moors , particularly in the Galloway , Clyde and Argyll areas of Scotland , Northumberland and Rombalds Moor in Yorkshire .
15 Students who are nationals of one of the member states of the European Community ( other than the United Kingdom ) and who are accepted on undergraduate courses at the University of Ulster will , in most cases , be eligible to receive a mandatory award to cover the payment of fees .
16 The court has heard that the couple met in June 1991 , while Miss Warburton was on work experience at the Crown Prosecution Office in Salford , where Green worked .
17 Several of the 15 year olds were on work experience at the moment .
18 He 's on work detail at the moment . ’
19 The two were apparently on guard duty at the Lille Barracks , Farnham , Surrey , when 19-year-old Robert Smith was blasted at point-blank range .
20 The memorial harbour light on Carraig Fhada at the entrance to Kilnaughton Bay was built in 1853 and taken over by the Commissioners of Northern Lighthouses in 1924 .
21 After the second oil shock , for example , there was a tendency for reserves to be kept in dollars , primarily because of the relatively high interest rates being offered on dollar deposits at the time , and so during the early 1980s the dollar was a strong currency .
22 A MAN died in a canoeing accident on Loch Lomond at the weekend .
23 Mr. Ashworth simply submits that any restriction on operating hours at the port is bound to interfere with trade and/or the free movement of goods , and thus contravenes article 30 .
24 Nevertheless it remains to be varified whether villus height is relevant to the previous dietary history — that is , nitrogen supply quality — and whether it depends on body weight at the time it is measured .
25 ( Jacqueline Cromarty is , incidentally , on maternity leave at the moment , having produced a daughter in January ! )
26 On 7 July 1937 Japanese troops on night manoeuvres at the Marco Polo Bridge near Beijing clashed with Chinese troops .
27 Although not formally linked to other current multilateral negotiations , the signing of an Open Skies treaty was widely regarded as an important means of facilitating agreement on verification questions at the Vienna CFE negotiations .
28 Nether Wyresdale Parish Council asked me to draw your attention to the white lines on Gubberford Lane at the river bridge .
29 Ali Alatas and José Manuel Durao Barroso , respectively the Indonesian and Portuguese Foreign Affairs Ministers , held a round of talks on East Timor at the UN in New York on Dec. 17 .
30 A combination of forceful fencing and enterprising tactics may seal first prize for Captain Dibble and enable his blossoming trainer to maintain a close vigil on Gordon Richards at the head of the table .
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