Example sentences of "be [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 You sure seem to be on to a good thing with this Walter Machin [ the letter said ] .
2 They felt they might be on to a good thing .
3 General Pershing is the one to be on at the big race .
4 IF THE truth be known , Ian Woosnam would probably just as soon be down at the Golden Lion in Oswestry tomorrow night , having a pint or two with the lads .
5 One day soon I will rip its beak off and glue it onto the end of my own fine aquiline conk , and , secure in my new disguise , I 'll be down to the Inland Revenue Enforcement ( B ) in Barrington Road and scrabbling frantically at my tax inspector 's trousers ( I may be wrong , but I picture them as that specially rich shade of brown polyester-and-worsted that only Dunn & Co can achieve ) before you can say , ‘ Well , what 's got into you , dearie ? ’
6 In his opening speech , the hon. Member for Birkenhead said that we should ’ bring forward ’ the arrangements which will prevail after 1993 , but it will not be down to the local adjudication officer to assess people to decide the appropriate care and to assess the reasonable rate .
7 It would probably carry on like this for at least another hour , and then the first of the departures would begin ; the ones with an early start in the morning , the ones with teenaged babysitters , the ones who rarely went out anyway … an hour after that they 'd be down to the hard core , and an hour after that it would just be a case of guiding out those last drunks who were too far-gone to find the door .
8 On this the spokesman said , ‘ the Vulcan will no be flown any more ’ adding , ‘ it would be down to an acceptable purchaser to arrange for any ferrying . ’
9 I sighed and lingered over coffee because I know I 'd be in for a long session while I listened to June 's catalogue of woes .
10 We could be in for a long night . ’
11 THOSE Welsh fathers whose sons hero worship Emyr Lewis and Robert Jones rather than Ian Rush and Mark Hughes could be in for a nasty shock next Christmas when they discover the Welsh rugby kit they bought this year may well be out of date .
12 As children , we all got up to tricks like pinching a few apples or knocking on someone 's door and running away — all rather harmless , but if our parents found out , we would be in for a good hiding , a cut on the backside .
13 Have the courage to show the world who you really are and you may be in for a pleasant surprise .
14 You 'll be in for a pleasant surprise .
15 But experts say the Worcester treasure hunter may still be in for a pleasant suprise .
16 Tough win SUNDERLAND North voters could be in for a liberal dose of confusion : as well as Vic Halom ( Liberal Democrat ) candidates include Win Lundgren , representing the Liberal Party . ’
17 When the victim switches the switch he will be in for a big surprise .
18 Michel thinks she will be in for a bad time when she realizes it .
19 The Japanese retail conglomerate Takashimiya Co Ltd may be in for a bitter disappointment when it opens a commercial art gallery in its new North American flagship design-speciality store on 23 April .
20 Couples , who earns £5 million a year , could be in for a bitter courtroom battle .
21 On the other hand if you 've important business or vital meetings to attend you will be in for a tough time .
22 Mm , either way though , I mean the thing is if they do , you , you would be in for a little bit of something , if you hung it out till be , to being redundant
23 If you are intransigent , or are determined to stick to the letter of your contract come what may , you could be in for a rude awakening .
24 JOHANN SCHYMS of Manosque , France , may be in for an expensive disappointment .
25 People living on the riverbanks ca n't remember it being so bad for many years and if there 's rugby here tomorrow , then the players will be in for an early bath .
26 In the Elizabethan Restaurant the shift has changed and tea is being prepared ; the duty staff will be in for an early meal shortly .
27 At 7,316 people , you could be in for an uncomfortable wait .
28 That fine weather will contin ue this afternoon , with plenty of sunshine , although the east coast again could be in for the odd shower .
29 All entries must be in to the Green Dragon Museum Theatre Yard , Stockton , by May 23 .
30 The Sports Minister , more than most , knows what it 's like to be in with a dangerous hooker . ’
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