Example sentences of "be [adv prt] [prep] [art] [adj] time " in BNC.

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1 Michel thinks she will be in for a bad time when she realizes it .
2 On the other hand if you 've important business or vital meetings to attend you will be in for a tough time .
3 You had to be in at a certain time you know , you had very standard cuisine , it was , it had become if you like , ridiculed in jokes and things of this nature .
4 To come somewhere like this would have been better , somewhere where I had to be in at a certain time , where I could n't have certain people come in .
5 As every girl has her own individual subjects , the teaching is on a one-to-one basis , and each has cards showing her particular set work which has to be in at a certain time .
6 Er I , I suppose yes they probably were expected to be in by a definite time .
7 I thought actually we had a standing order already that claims had to be in within a certain time limit
8 So far as I can see , unless there are fundamental changes in the British economy , the recession ai n't going to be over for a considerable time because the economy is in such a state .
9 and my , my , me and my brother are gon na be off at the same time
10 So Eddie knows the real Delia Forbes has gone away and wo n't be back for a long time … but so what ? ’
11 The bond which had drawn them so close before Angel 's birth was strong and sometimes Sarah longed to be back for a brief time in that dilapidated house in Stone Alley , free of the sanctimonious atmosphere of the rectory , until she remembered Maggie was n't there any more either .
12 If I do it that way she 'll either refuse to go , or , if she does go , she 'll be back within a short time . ’
13 It will be around for a long time .
14 She 'll be around for a long time yet . ’
15 REGARDLESS of how much longer Norman Lamont survives at No 11 , his Budget will be around for a long time .
16 Of Records , Laurie Bruce writes : ‘ Many people are giving up records for cassettes or compact discs – a great mistake as records will be around for a long time to come .
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