Example sentences of "be [v-ing] with the [noun sg] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The members will be helping with the coffee bar at the Fringe shows .
2 The interior of the church — reached by going through an ornate entrance archway that seems to be competing with the presbytery doorway for the eye of the visitor — has some good frescoes , particularly the Crucifixion with the Virgin and St John the Baptist by Giovan Battista Crespi , and a canvas study of the Nativity by Marco d'Oggiono .
3 Will not local authorities , which will still be wrestling with the poll tax in 1992 , be in a state of total chaos in April 1993 ?
4 First of all nursery schools would be dealing with the County Council on a different basis from the vast of , of the schools population and that will give rise to anomalies and complications which would be undesirous and secondly there might be problems particularly if they are considering expanding nursery provision between nursery schools and nursery classes in primary schools .
5 In some schools you will be asked to participate with other students in basic class work over a weekend ( as happens at the Bristol Old Vic drama school ) and in some you may find yourself being judged partly by senior students of the school who will be sitting with the faculty panel ( which is something that happens at Drama Centre ) .
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