Example sentences of "be [vb pp] by the same [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 So far as the former are concerned , the Act ( as does the Financial Services Act ) assumes that public issues of debentures will be undertaken by the same methods as issues of shares and it provides that a contract to take up debentures , like one to take up shares , may be enforced by an order for specific performance .
2 As for Freud , the clitoris continues to be surrounded by the same problems that it held for nineteenth-century medicine .
3 Many techniques for stress reduction can be appropriated by the same injunctions to succeed that got you stressed in the first place , and should be discontinued if you spot that they have been subverted in this way ( unless your goal has also changed along the way from stress reduction to record-breaking ) .
4 Adobe Illustrator , Motif version , already out for other Unix systems , will be offered by the same distributors later this year .
5 Some of the criticisms which are voiced by service planners and professionals when thinking about ordinary housing for long-term patients is that it is ‘ too expensive ’ , or that ‘ They ca n't cope on their own , ’ or that ‘ They 'll be affected by the same stresses and strains that put them in hospital in the first place . ’
6 Finally , the course and outcome of the disorder will be affected by the same kinds of events and environment , and by certain treatment and rehabilitation measures .
7 Also , it is by no means a foregone conclusion that the ‘ expert ’ way is either ‘ correct ’ or ‘ more appropriate , ’ nor that the conclusions need always be reached by the same processes of thought and action .
8 The refusal of timber-growing countries in temperate regions to be bound by the same rules that apply to tropical timber producers has led to the collapse of attempts at meetings in Geneva to renegotiate the International Tropical Timber Agreement ( ITTA ) .
9 Its post-history will be driven by the same fantasies and phobias as its wretched and ravaging history .
10 Now someone whose doctor is elderly could quite naturally refer to him or her using ( 45 ) where superscript 3 indicates rising tone while mid tone is indicated by the absence of a superscript numeral : ( 45 ) The following sentence : ( 46 ) is also perfectly acceptable , and might even be translated by the same words of English but it carries instead the meaning that the person concerned ( who might be twenty-six years old and a fairly fresh graduate from medical college ) has been established as one 's doctor for some time and is not , for example , another practitioner who has recently moved into the district .
11 Can prison diets and living conditions reasonably be judged by the same criteria as those in western countries , when the quality of life for the ‘ honest poor ’ outside is so much lower ?
12 As a general rule , rugs employing bolder , more overtly geometric compositions should be judged by the same criteria as nomadic rugs , particularly if they are also dyed in a limited palette of austere or primary shades .
13 In contrast , the finest and most prestigious village rugs should be judged by the same standards as workshop items .
14 in any case , the task of learning any form of the language seems to be governed by the same variables as demonstrated in the preceding section .
15 The fact that this predictor is significantly associated with death at six weeks in this study and not in others could be caused by the same biases previously discussed or to the choice of a more restrictive time period — that is , 72 hours , for estimating the volume of index bleed .
16 Why are England expected to settle for it and be happy with a ‘ well done ’ and a pat on the back then the next day be criticised by the same pressmen for not catching the ball at vital moments !
17 In nine counties the forests were ordered to be kept by the same bounds as before the war between King John and his barons ; on 27 October 1228 the juries who had made the perambulations of the Yorkshire forests of Galtres and Farndale , and the forest between Ouse and Derwent , obediently amended their verdicts .
18 But on 30 October the regents once more affirmed the rights of the Crown : they ordered Hugh de Neville , the Chief Justice of the Forest , to cause the royal forests to be kept by the same metes and bounds as they had been in the time of King John before the war between him and his barons .
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