Example sentences of "be [vb pp] at [art] [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 A man might be sacked at an hour 's notice , perhaps after giving years of service , yet received no compensation , no redundancy payment .
2 However , managers put a lot of time , energy and commitment into their artist 's careers ( as well as a substantial financial investment ) , so it would be unfair for the manager to be dismissed at a moment 's notice , just because the artist fancied a change of management .
3 Other organisations , including the Woodcraft Folk , religious youth groups and the youth group attached to the Red Cross , would have to apply for funding which would be given at the council 's discretion .
4 One of them told Trent to fetch a gas can over to the Co-operative quay to be filled at the Co-op 's gas pump .
5 the respondent 's observations must be received at the Association 's offices within 14 days ; if none is received within this time the Director and honourary officers will have to consider such evidence as is available to them .
6 It 's due to be heard at the town 's magistrates court later this week .
7 Their applications will be heard at the league 's AGM in the Royal British Legion Club , Llandudno tonight ( 7.30pm ) .
8 Desktop computers can be used as electronic mailboxes into which messages can be posted at a moment 's notice for a correspondent to return to .
9 An application from Oswestry to join the Cymru Alliance will be considered at the League 's AGM at Carno tomorrow when the management committee will recommend an increase from 16 to 18 clubs .
10 On Kawara , Stephan Balkenhol and Martin Honert will take place at Kamekestrasse ; the second , featuring Philip Akkerman , Elke Denda , Andreas Gursky , Candida Hofer , Michael van Ofen , Pia Stadtbäumer , Jeff Wall and James Welling , will be installed at the gallery 's second space , at Grosse Brinkengasse 17/19 .
11 The MIServer 4/2 running Unix SVR4 will be installed at the company 's Victoria offices in London running an in-house management information system used by the central buying office to analyse stock and sales information .
12 The experimental rig that will be built at the UKAEA 's Harwell base is , ironically , called ACHILLES , The NII agrees that recent work in Canada , West Germany and the United States has gone some way to showing the likely scale of the ballooning effect .
13 Substituted service may be made at a defendant 's place of employment or his bank or his former solicitor ( see Supreme Court Practice , Vol 1 , 65/4/16 ) .
14 Bookings can be made at the Society 's Offices , 42 Merrion Sq .
15 Personal and telephone bookings can be made at the Cashier 's Office , University of Ulster , Coleraine during the following hours The Cashier 's Office also accepts postal bookings .
16 While they will be taxed at the investor 's top rate , when repatriated they will be treated as income , rather than capital , and therefore avoid the risk of having to pay capital gains tax .
17 The award will be made for the most outstanding achievement between 1st August 1991 and 31st July 1992 , and will be presented at the RSGB 's annual convention in September .
18 The IRR method implicitly assumes that a project 's annual cash flows can be reinvested at the project 's internal rate of return ; the NPV method assumes that the cash flows can be reinvested at the firm 's opportunity cost of capital .
19 The IRR method implicitly assumes that a project 's annual cash flows can be reinvested at the project 's internal rate of return ; the NPV method assumes that the cash flows can be reinvested at the firm 's opportunity cost of capital .
20 She had forgotten how good-looking he was , the intriguing way he managed to appear cool on the surface , nonetheless conveying an impression of passion ready to be ignited at a moment 's notice .
21 New rules and a programme were to be approved at the Komsomol 's 22nd congress scheduled for early 1990 .
22 Once you have provided the Provisional Banding List on or before 1 December it has to be deposited at the Council 's principal office and steps taken to give notice of this .
23 But the wards are staffed twenty four hours a day , nursing staff are always about , we have dedicated security staff who can be called at a minute 's notice , and staff are obviously aware on kid 's wards how sensitive security is , and will be challenging people when they come on to the wards .
24 The defeat of the motion that prompted three resignations from the SNP cabinet is expected to be challenged at the party 's next national council in June .
25 This was to have been changed by clause 54(4) under which the benefit received was to be assessed at the arm 's length price which an ordinary member of the public would have paid for that service .
26 I 've persuaded the people who matter that I 'm the best man to work with you to help us clear this up , but I 'm like a football manager , Cameron ; I can be replaced at a moment 's notice and I 'm only as good as the results I get .
27 Couple 's joy : Alison Kitchen , 28 , and her husband David , 31 , who live in Hartlepool , are celebrating the birth of triplets the first test tube babies to be born at the town 's general hospital .
28 In a hotel , for example , this means ensuring that every employee — manager , housekeeper , waiters , porters , cleaners , and others — can be contacted at a moment 's notice and alerted to customers ' requirements .
29 It says that jobs to go at district offices include 64 at Colchester , and that some 50 posts will be axed at the company 's headquarters .
30 SECURITY measures are set to be introduced at a borough 's schools following a spate of arson attacks which have caused £2m worth of damage .
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