Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to the [noun] that " in BNC.

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1 In part , the absence of a clear definition of services can be traced to the treatment that services received in past economic literature .
2 Waldegrave 's allotted question times at Westminster could be embarrassing occasions : any queries of substance will have to be referred to the ministries that matter .
3 If possible preference should be given to the proposal that maintains the interior as an undivided space .
4 My examination of Nizan 's communist novels ( Chapter 7 ) will be directed at accomplishing two tasks : first , to examine the processes whereby each of three texts is produced and reproduced in successively different historical situations ; here , particular emphasis will be given to the idea that each text is not a perfectly finished artistic product but the narrative site of ideological and literary contradictions .
5 But weight had to be given to the fact that this was a working wife with a recognised expertise in the managing of hotels .
6 As to the periods of restraint , the court observed that their reasonableness was " hardly susceptible of proof by specific evidence " , " some weight should be given to the fact that the restriction is found in a partnership agreement which has evidently been carefully drafted and which must be taken to represent the views of experienced solicitors who would be well aware that an unduly severe restriction would be unenforceable " .
7 Perhaps for future competitions consideration could be given to the fact that anyone entering these competitions from areas a distance from London should not be disadvantaged and venues arranged so that extra cost is not incurred and the prize could then be truly enjoyed by everyone .
8 Notice was to be given to the pupils that prizes would be awarded for the best essay on the eye of the horse , embracing its anatomy and physiology , and also the laws of light applicable to vision , the chemical composition of the humour , and the pathology , treatment and results of the disease known as constitutional ophthalmia .
9 That is to say , when there is a shift from traditional methods in the placement of black children then careful consideration should also be given to the implications that this will have for black children , the black community and adopters .
10 For similar reasons , not much weight can be given to the argument that balance of payments difficulties arose from persistent excess absorption ( i.e. too high a level of demand ) in the economy [ Matthews et al. , 1982 ] .
11 It is the work of the resulting army of dedicated and sincere reformers who through the centuries have fought to make mankind accept that the Second Choice is the right one , that has provided , and will go on providing for ever , the real power for the production of the good that will be assigned to the storehouse that is the Created God .
12 Under this heading some arguments will be considered to the effect that corporate power can be legitimated by reference to the rights of the corporators .
13 Neither boys nor girls at the moratorium stage are likely to be attracted to the science that is usually presented in our schools .
14 The Japanese notation can be edited to the format that you find easiest to follow in the ADJUST section .
15 The welcome feature about SuperCalc 5.5 's Fast Graphing facility is that when you include text that you want to use as the first and second titles and as the graph legend in the range you highlight , they will automatically be added to the chart that results when you click on the icon GPH .
16 The ‘ Dawn of civilisation ’ produced events of a different kind , different because they were , for the first time , modified by man himself to provide a new source of ‘ goodness ’ to be added to the storehouse that is the Created God .
17 Can not they too be committed to the view that philosophy must deal with matters of fact , and that to claim something as a matter of fact one must be able to state what observations would in principle establish its truth or falsity ?
18 However , those who operate the law are well aware that it will only be respected to the extent that it conforms with public opinion : the reason why journalists and broadcasters are not prosecuted much more often for undoubted infringements of the letter of the laws of contempt and official secrecy is simply that the authorities are well aware that up-to-the-hilt enforcement of these vague laws would bring the law into further disrepute , and precipitate precisely the sort of clash between government and the press that it has been the British genius to avoid , whenever possible , by cosy arrangements .
19 So we do n't want to be any under any illusions about that , and the same can be applied to the fact that we have made no real provision for nursery education , that we were in trouble over special needs in this county , that was a a requirement to restore services that were well below the S S A on Social Services , and we really all this er this er , new administration has done , has been brought those up , those services up to what would have been regarded as a quite an unacceptable level with most of the the the authorities in this country .
20 National rules in the member states where services are provided can only be applied to the extent that the public interest requires it , and after due account is taken of the national rules applied to the company in the member state of establishment .
21 One , application could be made to the court that Mr the landlord is unreasonably withholding consent to the lease , if the court finds that this is in fact the case they will permit the assignment of the lease to you , not withstanding the landlord 's objection .
22 Amongst other things , the examination had revealed possible areas where improvements could be made to the services that the CSSU provided , in particular those services concerned with supplying the information needed for staff to fulfil their functions .
23 The point will be made to the world that Mexico stands as a nation for the principle that a healthy environment is essential for the common future of humanity , with particular stress on the quality of life our children will inherit .
24 Moreover , a major qualification needs to be made to the view that broadcasting in the ex-British territories was everywhere cast in the BBC 's image .
25 This may be connected to the fact that the youngsters came bottom as far as hugs were concerned , as 57pc said their parents hugged them compared with a national average of 70pc .
26 The proposal for monitoring by silent , closed-circuit television cameras , he said , would be implemented as recommended , but the one to allow a prisoner the right to consult a solicitor every forty-eight hours would be curtailed to the extent that ‘ where it is thought necessary ’ a senior police officer would be present .
27 They can only be taxed to the extent that there is relevant income in the trust .
28 The second , however , has not been seen in our study or in others and could be related to the possibility that gastric acid secretion might not necessarily be raised when NSAIDs are taken on longterm basis , three years in this study .
29 That point of order seems to be related to the matter that we have just been discussing .
30 The casual attitude may be related to the observation that the children were rarely changed and were often left in wet nappies .
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