Example sentences of "be [vb pp] in the [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 If a firm expects to be rationed in the future in the goods market , it is more likely to increase its current sales rather than produce for inventories .
2 One then asks ( stage two ) what this implies for how women should be treated in the church in our day ?
3 In a laboratory in Oxford the purification of penicillin had progressed far enough to be reported in The Lancet in August 1940 .
4 Once , a joky quote would be reported in the manner in which it was delivered .
5 What costs and overheads should be included in the work in progress and the finished goods ?
6 The rewards for the end of the week should also be written in the diary in the space for Week 1 .
7 Answering the same question a number of times is a useful exercise in showing how improvements can be made in the way in which you present the facts to the examiner .
8 Special dispensations would have to be made in the RES in fairness to the nationalist parties of Scotland , Wales and Northern Ireland .
9 BR 's 1973 ‘ Interim Rail Strategy ’ , which had initially received government approval , had proposed a doubling of the rate of investment up to 1981 , and its impact was to be seen in the rise in staff numbers by nearly 6,000 during 1974–5 , after years of virtually continuous decline .
10 They can also be seen in the popularity in France of the idea of attacks on British commerce as a means of forcing the traditional enemy to her knees , the belief that a guerre de course of this kind , avoiding large-scale engagements and making extensive use of privateers , would be more effective than a strategy which aimed at securing effective control of the seas .
11 Brian Dunce 's completed Oilbar paintings and cartoons together with other related works can be seen in the gallery in the basement of St Martin-in-the-Fields , Trafalgar Square from April 11–18 .
12 This can be seen in the way in which the sides lined up in recent arguments about sabbatarianism in the DUP manifesto .
13 Individually they were always at pains to stress the provisional nature of the conceptual apparatus , and their flexibility can be seen in the way in which the theory evolved to include new topics such as narrative and literary history .
14 ‘ I guess it was a big gamble to turn my back on Neighbours but I felt I had already been in the show too long , ’ says Kristian , who will still be seen in the soap in Britain for another 12 months .
15 Swirls of activity , denoting movement of the gastric content can be seen in the fundus in some of the frames .
16 An example of this can be seen in the list in Parsons and Steadman ( 1984 , pp. 43–50 ) of a school 's possible objectives set against possible means of achieving these .
17 In brief , the consideration is split into six equal portions and one-sixth is taxed as the vendor 's income under Schedule D Case VI in each year for six years , unless the vendor elects , within two years , for the whole sum to be taxed in the year in which it is received .
18 The causes must be sought in the drop in real wages and employment , the higher public tariffs and the cutback in government assistance programmes .
19 In particular , the subjectivist 's charge that the defence doctrine leads to the harsh objectivism of the reasonable man as a standard can be refuted by treating the reasonableness requirement as not being a second and subsequent question which must be answered in the affirmative in order to secure an acquittal , but as an integral part of the first question : Did the accused hold the belief he claims to have held ?
20 Nationalists supported the Wilson/Callaghan governments for years , only to be stabbed in the back in the end .
21 LEAs have tended to set targets which , when reached , can not be exceeded in the year in question .
22 Moreover , there is a further independent reason for finding it attractive , apart from whatever success is to be had in the future in generating likely looking fragments of natural language .
23 This does not apply if the parties agree that the vehicle is not to be used in the condition in which it is when sold , and a document to this effect is signed by them and given to the buyer at the time of delivery .
24 The question is not so much with the identity of the species of animal found in the cave but how their bones came to be preserved in the cave in the first place .
25 The order of tuples is immaterial , although they will normally be shown in the text in a logical sequence so that it is easier to follow their contents .
26 If judgment is obtained in this country against someone in France ( or most other Community states ) , that judgment can be enforced in the country in question by virtue of the Brussels Convention ( on Jurisdiction and Enforcement of Judgments ) 1968 .
27 Final commodities and services would increasingly be produced in the home in the informal sector of the economy .
28 This difference may , to some extent , be reflected in the variation in political development of such kingdoms as Kent and Mercia ( see Chapter 5 ) .
29 Having the conduct of the drafting of the agreement is a considerable advantage because points agreed in negotiation can be reflected in the document in the way in which the lawyers drafting it prefer , and it is the other party who is always having to ask for changes to the text .
30 I shall continue to take into account the view of the judiciary on the requirements of retribution and deterrence in such cases as a factor amongst others ( including the need to maintain public confidence in the system of justice ) to be weighed in the balance in setting the first review date .
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