Example sentences of "be [vb pp] to [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The boxes both have six SIMM slots and can be incremented to a maximum 96Mb. +1 408 432–0292
2 Such " consensual " , " common law " or " companionate " unions ( or " marriages " ) , however , may be recognized to a certain degree by society ( or even by the law ) .
3 I understand that one of the reasons why it took longer than one would have wished was that the emergency services went to the inappropriate end of the tunnel , further away from the train , and had to be redirected to the other end , which gave easier access to the two trains .
4 It therefore seems that the way will be eased to the continuing destruction of what is left of wild nature in Britain , to serve the open-ended demands of development and growth .
5 The reasons for a separation and its temporary nature can be explained to a ten-year-old child , so that anxiety can again be minimised .
6 From a plan , lately begun by another person who wished to assist Mr. Green , he hopes he shall not be injured in the public opinion , as the difference between a plan made from an actual survey , with accurate instruments , and conducted upon principles true in theory ( which will be explained to every scientific enquirer ) and one made by striding , is too palpable to escape observations . ’
7 Unless a watercourse is very small or the pollutant particularly powerful , the natural processes of dilution and purification will often make it very difficult for either proactive or reactive discovery to reveal the existence of pollution soon enough and in sufficient detail for it to be traced to a particular discharger .
8 Faults can range from the merely inconvenient , when water spills out of sagging or blocked gutters on to unsuspecting people underneath , to the more serious problem of penetrating damp , where peeling decorations and damp patches inside the house can often be traced to a leaking gutter or downpipe outside .
9 In every one of the cases to which your Lordships have been referred where such dicta appear , the source from which the evidence sought to be excluded had been obtained has been the defendant himself or ( in some of the search cases ) premises occupied by him ; and the dicta can be traced to a common ancestor in Lord Goddard 's statement in Kuruma v. The Queen [ 1955 ] A.C. 197 which I have already cited .
10 Not all can be traced to the Black Death , but it must have been a significant factor .
11 The genesis of this right to compensation can be traced to the protracted debate which took place within the Standard Advisory Committee on Patents in the wake of the Department of Trade 's publication in 1975 of a White Paper on the future of patent law .
12 Its roots can be traced to the heady sounds of El Rocco ; but ‘ Beyond El Rocco ’ demonstrates that much of the inspiration of Australian jazz now comes from Australians themselves .
13 Perhaps we are seeing , as an evolution ( the origins of which can be traced to the nineteenth century ) , the emergence of a genuine hybrid tribunal , in which case to suggest that this body is a further example of the use of judges for extrajudicial activities is only one way to describe it .
14 If we enquire into the evolutionary background to this situation , it is immediately clear that the evolution of behaviour in both humans and primates rests on a common mammalian basis which can doubtless be traced to the greater adaptiveness , activity and independence of environmental conditions which the acquisition of warm-bloodedness provided .
15 For example ideas about more homely living environments can be traced to the early part of this century ( Roosens , 1979 ) , a concern with nature and form of assessment harks back to the Charity Organisation Society ( Sainsbury , 1989 ) , co-ordination of care was stressed in the Seebohm report and has featured in most subsequent discussions ( Cmnd. 3703 ; DHSS , 1982 ) and the need for planned hospital discharge has featured in critiques of the mental health services ( Cmnd. 6244 ; Jones , 1988 ) .
16 One important element can be traced to the evangelical revival of the late eighteenth century which laid the foundations of Victorian domesticity and challenged ruling-class immorality .
17 The downfall of Gen Noriega can be traced to the brutal killing of the opposition leader , Hugo Spadafora , found beheaded in 1985 .
18 He first claims that accidents are unable to outweigh ‘ social needs ’ , which can be traced to the social relations of a society , themselves ultimately caused by its productive forces .
19 In an entertaining and revealing note which prefaces this recording , the clarinettist Murray Khouri laments the passing of what he describes as the ‘ lyric ’ school of British clarinet playing , the origins of which , he suggests , may be traced to the vocal traditions of our great cathedrals .
20 There is little doubt that some of the greatest sources of evil in the world can be traced to the gross abuse of that area of human activity which is termed ‘ religion ’ .
21 An explanation for these contradictions can often be traced to the experimental conditions of the different studies .
22 His psychological theorizing developed throughout his life , but many of the assumptions he made can be traced to an early work , the " Project for a Scientific Psychology " .
23 More frequently , the cause of problems can be traced to an excessive desire to stick to policies or to a lack of understanding by the planning officers of the realities of life for developers and occupiers of property .
24 Andersons 's insistence that the notion of social class must be defined in structural terms can be traced to an over-riding commitment to holism .
25 From this nucleus , royal territory was in the future to expand to the point at which , in 1239 , the whole county could be annexed to the royal demesne .
26 The small rump Bulgarian Communist Party said , however , that Macedonia should be annexed to the Bulgarian motherland , and that the recognition of its independence was an act of " national treason " .
27 The effect of these provisions is , in our judgment , that if an account contains items of litigation costs or non-litigation costs the items can be referred to a taxing master for taxation i.e. for the taxing master to decide what amount is recoverable in respect thereof .
28 However , you can ask for a review of the decision , and if you are still not satisfied you can ask for your situation to be referred to a social fund inspector .
29 This was followed by a second resolution , proposed by Dent ( Newcastle upon Tyne ) and seconded by J Paul ( Ayrshire ) to the effect : That the matter of this Association be referred to a special committee consisting of the President of this Conference ( the Rev W B Sleight ) as Chairman , and twelve gentlemen ( six deaf and dumb and six hearing ) .
30 It remains our conviction that the umpires have done their conscientious best throughout the summer , and that only ‘ line decisions ’ ( run-outs , stumpings , boundary incidents ) should be referred to a third umpire who has a TV playback monitor .
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