Example sentences of "be [vb pp] of [art] [noun] 's " in BNC.

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1 After evening prayers , a fair copy should be made of the day 's composition …
2 More effective use could be made of the pharmacy 's patient medication records — for example , to analyse a practice 's prescribing patterns and make recommendations for change .
3 As items are chosen they are crossed off the list to avoid duplication , and a note will be made of the donor 's name .
4 Thus it might erroneously be said of the dog 's leaping to catch the ball that what I really see are just its movements , upon the basis of which I make a leap of faith to its inner , privately introspective , enjoyment .
5 At the start of the following week , James Callaghan , then a young Parliamentary Secretary , was among a group of Ministers outside the Cabinet who were summoned to be told of the Cabinet 's decision .
6 In Barat et Haimet the sexual innuendo of Barat approaching Marie 's bed in the dark , and successfully imitating her husband , Travers , is difficult to miss , and since we may know that bacon , the term generally used for the meat that is stolen and stolen back over and over again , can also be used of a girl 's thighs , there is a strong suggestion that the actions are really a sexual allegory : is it Marie that the three men are trying to appropriate ?
7 They also knew that the support of Indian ‘ moderates ’ , that is , those Indians who were willing to be persuaded of the Raj 's essential righteousness of intent , would be lost if they became too blatantly repressive .
8 Other people who need to be notified of the patient 's discharge from hospital are the patient 's General Practitioner and any specialist nurse who is involved in his care .
9 They must be notified of the LEA 's subsequent decision concerning the statement ( the LEA can modify the statement , leave it as it is , or determine not to make it ) .
10 ( b ) Where however the prosecution evidence is such that its strength or weakness depends on the view to be taken of a witness 's reliability , or other matters which are generally speaking within the province of the jury and where on one possible view of the facts there is evidence upon which a jury could properly come to the conclusion that the defendant is guilty , then the judge should allow the matter to be tried by the jury .
11 A corporate view , instead , has to be taken of the school 's comparison with others — and expressed in terms of measured attainment .
12 The Children Act 1989 is likely to require much more account to be taken of the children 's views and those of their parents and other interested parties , but it is a process which is still seen as difficult , and is less frequently carried out than is desirable .
13 If the sound balance on this Archiv recording can seem at times a little unyielding , it is amply repayed by a freshness and dramatic spontaneity from a team of soloists who only have to have their names on the cover for us to be assured of the recording 's qualities .
14 The physiotherapist should be informed of the patient 's return to the ward so that she can assist with these activities .
15 For my part , I conclude that the life prisoner should be informed of the judge 's advice on tariff , together with any comments the judges , or either of them , may have made about the responsibility of the prisoner for the crime compared with that of any co-defendant tried with him .
16 As the transcript of the judgment reveals , the Crown of Appeal was of the view that even if the appellant 's assertion of a right to be informed of the solicitor 's calls had been upheld , it does not follow that in all the circumstances of the case fairness would have required that the confession should have been excluded under section 78 .
17 Parents , who have no right to prevent an assessment , must be informed of the LEA 's proposal to assess the child , given the name of an officer of the LEA from whom further advice may be obtained , and notified of the right to make representations ( orally or in writing ) within a minimum period of 29 days from service of notice by the LEA .
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