Example sentences of "be [vb pp] over [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 If the assault proved successful , Egypt would no longer be vulnerable to attack ( the Turks had already sent a force to attempt to seize the Suez Canal ) and Turkey 's traditional enemies in the Balkans might be won over to the Allies .
2 CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or might not be turned over to the Russians and Partisans to be shot .
3 " CAO expressed disappointment that we did not seem to agree with him on this point , but added that he was faced with a grave administrative problem with hundreds of thousands of German PoWs on his hands and could not bother at this time about who might or who might not be handed over to the Russians or Partisans to be shot . "
4 Writing to a colleague at Caserta , he mentioned that he had been presented with some tricky problems concerning the status of individual British subjects in Austria , and he then went on to mention , among " similar problems " he had been confronted with : " if captured Cossacks fighting with the Germans are to be handed over to the Russians , what should be done with White Russians with French nationality ?
5 In Brewster ( 1979 ) 69 Cr App R 375 ( CA ) , an insurance agent was guilty of theft of the premiums because the money had to be handed over to the companies he worked for under the terms of his contract .
6 In another statement , Maj J Laugham DSO of 45 Recce Regiment described how : " On 15 May the main body of the Croats to be handed over to the YUGOSLAVS were encamped to the south of the main road leading from the AUSTRIAN frontier to BLEIBURG …
7 The State Department thus confirmed Macmillan 's recommendation that the Cossacks in 5 Corps area should be handed over to the Soviets in accordance with the Yalta agreement .
8 In Roslavl' during March and April it was frequently noted that the public believed that ecclesiastical gold was to be handed over to the Jews .
9 It must be handed over to the embalmers then , or it will be too late . ’
10 It 's when the teachers think this is a boring , mundane , difficult thing to do , then that tends to be put over to the children and of course the disaster is that the children will believe it , and it if the children will believe it then we grow up in a highly technological society producing very few technologists or scientists .
11 It 's when the teachers think this is a boring , mundane , difficult thing to do , then that tends to be put over to the children and of course the disaster is that the children will believe it , and it if the children will believe it then we grow up in a highly technological society producing very few technologists or scientists .
12 This concept has played the leading role in the development of the modern law but the question of definition has tended to be passed over in the cases with little analysis .
13 He said that He used to tell me about his country that you know it was taken over by the Russians and then it 'd be taken over by the Germans and You know what I mean .
14 This place will soon be taken over by the police and I 'll handle them . ’
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