Example sentences of "be [vb pp] only [prep] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Clearly , such a drastic change in the law could be undertaken only by the legislature .
2 This facility can be started/stopped only by the LIFESPAN Manager .
3 In his Beverly Hills suit and hand-painted 1950s tie , Kaufman looked like a divorce lawyer in ‘ LA Law ’ ; his presence at the Tory Party 's autumn festival could be explained only by the need to earn a crust ; he had been invited by the BBC , no doubt , to comment on the proceedings .
4 Despite the received view that everyone was watching films like The Battleship Potemkin , Lenin 's vision began to be realised only at the end of the 1920's .
5 ‘ A good , strong ruler , ’ the Prior commented , ‘ but as a man , well … ’ his voice trailed off , leaving the silence to be broken only by the sound of his sandalled feet pattering against the slabstones .
6 Naturally , such allegations will rarely be made , although the defence of " justification " requires them to be proven only on the balance of probabilities , and not on the higher criminal standard , " beyond reasonable doubt " .
7 The expense involved will , however , be justified only by the demonstration of a good long term outlook after such a management approach .
8 Alternatively , when the costs of transport are high and local production can be justified only by the creation of a single plant , competitors may choose to collaborate , as in the case of consortium oil refineries .
9 The range of the signals depends on conditions , but in any case , they can be received only in the area served by an electricity substation .
10 Even these can be criticized only upon the basis of other assumptions .
11 The clinical usefulness of the polymerase chain reaction thus seems to be limited only by the power of our imagination in identifying specific targets .
12 L 178 , p. 5 ) ) , only in connection with the residence requirement laid down for shareholders , and it will therefore be considered only in the context of part ( b ) of the question as I have reformulated it above .
13 This will raise issues of interpretation of the disputes clause and an investigation of the type of dispute , which , unless some other provision is made in the contract , can be resolved only by the court if it has jurisdiction , or by arbitrators or a supervisory arbitral body , or possibly not at all .
14 The Sufis say that the stains of the soul will be expunged only by the water of the eyes .
15 Its problems began to be solved only with the digging of a new 2-mile course in 1802 .
16 Such sessions may be addressed only to the wife or to the couple .
17 Assured tenants can be evicted only on the authority of a court order , and the landlord has to give the tenant a notice of proceedings for possession , which will include a statement of the grounds for possession the landlord is using .
18 ‘ In the meantime the system will be applied only to the EFA , but it will also be suitable for tanks and helicopters as well as other aircraft so it will be very good for future business . ’
19 In the presence of people who had not undergone religious training , his face , his body were sacred and should be revealed only during the course of the Vibrancy .
20 The first was that such privileges could be secured only with the sanction of the other powers ; this had been clearly demonstrated by the Triple Intervention .
21 More persuasive perhaps is the quotation from the EEC 's Green Paper Employment Participation and Company Structure , to the effect that ‘ the pursuit of goals other than economic growth , such as the improvement of the quality of life and working conditions , the protection of the environment and the interests of the consumer … can probably be secured only by the existence of decision-making processes in enterprises which have a broader , more democratic base than such processes often have at present . ’
22 The climb was so steep that in places it could be made only with the help of ropes .
23 One difficulty with testing recognition memory is that inferences might be made only at the time of the recognition test .
24 A projection can be made only on the assumption that current levels or trends continue .
25 He said the reductions would be made only in the computer giant 's American operations .
26 The other purchases should be evaluated only against the background of our poverty .
27 But Malebranche rejected various parts of Descartes 's proof , concluding that theoretically the material world was no more than a possibility , and could be accepted only on the basis of faith .
28 How that responsibility is best discharged can be decided only by the person concerned .
29 The way in which the process of understanding works can be seen only in the way we produce a response or description of some kind .
30 There I should be out of everybody 's way , disturb no one , and be disturbed only by the marsh birds .
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