Example sentences of "be [vb pp] as the [adj -est] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 The chartered company continued to be regarded as the best type of organization for carrying on overseas trade , but a grant to an individual proprietor began to be seen as the best way to set up a new colony to which settlers would come to cultivate the land .
2 Except in regions of very low rainfall April should be regarded as the safest month for sowing herbage seeds .
3 On October 9 , Smash Hits published what must be regarded as the strangest pop cover story of all time , an interview , conducted by the experienced Ian Cranna , with Morrissey and Pete Burns , and headlined ‘ The Very Odd Couple ’ .
4 The chartered company continued to be regarded as the best type of organization for carrying on overseas trade , but a grant to an individual proprietor began to be seen as the best way to set up a new colony to which settlers would come to cultivate the land .
5 We have to remember in terms of timing that we started with the Gulf War and then moved into perhaps what will be seen as the worst recession since the '30s .
6 It has been argued that the sexual division of labour between husband and wife may be interpreted as the best way of maximising the welfare of the working class family , and certainly the struggle for a family wage benefited working class families to the extent that it raised the wages of the male breadwinner .
7 ‘ Dalglish is the first ex-Liverpool manager to return to Anfield in over 70yearsscharge of a new Dalglish 's decision to abandon the club in the run-in to the 1990-91 season still rankles with many around Merseyside , but Souness insists that should not affect the warmth of his reception , saying : ‘ Kenny should be remembered as the greatest player this club has had and as a successful manager .
8 Since Raymond-Berengar was married to the been of Aragon and ruled that kingdom in his wife 's name , he might have taken the title of king , but refused to do so , saying that it was better to be known as the greatest count rather than the seventh greatest king .
9 Unfortunately , in the year 1880 , what came to be viewed as the greatest injustice ever to be perpetrated against deaf people occurred in September when the highly-misleading International Congress of Teachers of Deaf-Mutes was convened in Milan , Italy .
10 The interpretative can be viewed as the broadest perception , into which the adaptive and linear models can be fitted .
11 As such , and particularly after Empress Elizabeth 's de facto abolition of the death penalty for criminal offences in 1753 , exile to katorga , followed by perpetual exile in Siberia ( ssylka na katorgu v Sibir ) , was to be retained as the harshest form of punishment in the tsarist penal code until the revolutions of 1917 — though of course it survived far beyond that date under a different dispensation .
12 In all this writing the emphasis was usually very heavily , as in the past , on the obligation of the diplomat to defend jealously the honour of the sovereign he represented against any claim , any change in ceremonial , which might be construed as the slightest threat to it .
13 The Northern Ireland Small Business Institute ( NISBI ) mission is to be identified as the foremost source of small business management development in Northern Ireland and to maintain , through its activities in this field , a standard of excellence comparable to the best available training/development performance criteria in the UK and the Republic of Ireland .
14 Just as it was possible to try the major war criminals after 1945 on the basis of generally accepted principles ( to which the Hague and Geneva codes contributed ) , so the 1977 Protocols must be taken as the clearest formulation of the laws presently applicable to armed conflict , including the use of nuclear weapons .
15 Sin With Bruce Morton ( C4 ) IF it was n't for Graham Taylor , Bruce Morton could be hailed as the funniest man on TV .
16 One of the companies involved in what can only be described as the latest round of unity talks among the warring Unix camps , which appear to be being sponsored by Unix International Inc , says that for all the fear , uncertainty and doubt unleashed by Microsoft Corp with Windows NT , the initiative still lacks the compulsion that galvanised the part of the industry — led by those that saw Unix primarily as a threat — to form the Open Software Foundation five years ago .
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