Example sentences of "be [vb pp] from [art] [adj] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 I know of no authority for the proposition that an ordinary crime committed in the House of Commons would be withdrawn from the ordinary course of criminal justice .
2 In an address to the Lithuanian Supreme Council ( parliament ) on Feb. 16 to mark the anniversary of Lithuanian Independence Day in 1918 , President Vytautas Landsbergis made a demand for former Soviet armed forces to be withdrawn from the Russian enclave of Kaliningrad oblast ( region ) .
3 It is not to deny that some culturally elaborated behaviour can usefully be explained from a biological perspective .
4 A sound constitution is another requirement , as can be realised from the following passage from Gilchrist Alexander 's The Temple of the Nineties .
5 A man on the run from Crumlin Road prison , Belfast , was ordered to be extradited from the Irish Republic .
6 Several young plants can be formed from a single stem by making a series of wounds at a convenient distance apart and burying each in a prepared hollow in the ground .
7 In Hungary the issue is whether stable governments can be formed from the wide band of parties produced by a complex electoral system .
8 A probability was assigned to any word string that could be formed from the spoken input .
9 Gold was , he remembered , said to be formed from the crystallised light of stars .
10 March 3rd , pure gloom ; ‘ For days I have seen nothing but the most terrible things that can be painted from a human mind . ’
11 A society in which this right is systematically denied … can not be justified from an ethical point of view … ’
12 In fact , it is probably accurate to understand this as one feature by which the mode of publication previously very characteristic of the English Association , can be differentiated from the professional journalism of the discipline in its newer , more autonomous academic guise .
13 Some government statements have come perilously close to saying ‘ we can not afford old people ’ and those who care for old people must not be diverted from a moral stand by economic filibustering .
14 Threatened people do not perform well — their energies tend to be diverted from the primary task .
15 A few days later , on 8 June , the scheme was approved on two conditions : no unit was to be diverted from the essential defence of the British Isles ; and the new force must make do with a minimum of arms .
16 norways coach egil ‘ drillo ’ olsen today speak up on our international players who are not in their first teams : ‘ come home or be wrecked from the national team ’ ( and thus no USA'94 ) ( this in one of the tabloids over here ) — the players mentioned are
17 An SPR may either be generated by a user entirely within LIFESPAN or be received from an external client in paper form and subsequently transcribed into LIFESPAN .
18 An SPR may either be generated by a user entirely within LIFESPAN ( a Magnetic SPR ) or be received from an external client on a paper form and subsequently transcribed into LIFESPAN ( a Paper SPR ) .
19 For sons , on the other hand , socialization may be more in terms of broader , more stereotypical notions of masculinity such as may be manifested in horseplay at weekends or evenings , rather than in terms of the more specific feature of the father 's role at work , which may often be hidden from the male child .
20 If some departure from the optimal velocity profile can be tolerated , the potentially high costs of additional store can be reduced in two ways : ( a ) the acceleration delay values can be used , in reverse order , for deceleration , ( b ) an approximate recursion formula may be devised , so that each delay value can be calculated from a limited number of previous values .
21 The standard enthalpy of formation of methane This value can be calculated from the standard enthalpy of combustion of methane and the standard enthalpies of formation of carbon dioxide and water .
22 Hence the average energy in any region can be calculated from the average stress and strain when the surface constraints are of a specified kind .
23 This volume , at s.t.p. , can be calculated from the ideal gas e uation ( 4 ) by putting n = 1 and substituting values for R and standard temperature and pressure in SI units .
24 The advantage of the former is that standardized information can be gathered from a large population , although there is always the problem of those who do not respond and how far the characteristics and opinions of such people match the general population .
25 Yet , as might be gathered from the secret nature of the procedures , none of this has any formal parliamentary approval , and there is no formal parliamentary accountability or scrutiny of these rather sinister developments .
26 Sounds of fighting could still be heard from the far side of the bailey , but it was easily apparent that de Raimes ' men were outnumbered and outclassed .
27 Meals can be served on the terrace or in the restaurant where marble , mirrors and chandeliers maintain the traditional feel , with large picture windows overlooking the delightful garden — where strains can often be heard from the nearby Opera House .
28 Carson had nowhere to hide , and he was about to be joined from the upper terrace .
29 These parameters require an injured State to be distinguished from a third State for the purposes of defining the accountability of the wrong-doer and the rights of other States .
30 O. abyssalis may be distinguished from the other North Atlantic species by the shape of the radial shields , the disk spinelets , the arrangement of the apical and oral papillae , the swollen oral shield , the flat dorsal arm plates and the shape of the tentacle scales .
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