Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] [adv] as [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This means that leaks can be pin-pointed as well as identified .
2 Some are old , familiar ditties with new words , some nice little rhyming couplets , some just plain filthy and some printable here : every little bean must be heard as well as seen .
3 Kossen also says that these characteristics can be learned and developed , thereby suggesting that leaders may be made as well as born .
4 Mr Mr Allenby , I I know you 've made a submission but can we just clarify what provision is being made in Harrogate District which can be seen quite rightly as forming pa a contribution towards the Greater York ?
5 Saints who should be seen as well as heard about
6 The saints or ‘ holy ones ’ should be seen as well as heard about .
7 If you want to be seen as well as heard , search out the VZ303 .
8 Some of the European Court of Justice 's opinions can be quite ‘ woolly ’ and do leave themselves open to a wider interpretation , but I do not believe that the opinion was meant to be interpreted so widely as to provide for an auditor recognised in one member state to practise in a second member state without any requirement to obtain local authorisation .
9 This has reversed the rule in Harbutts Plasticine Ltd v Wayne Tank and Pump Co Ltd [ 1970 ] 1 QB 447 , but it has not affected the rule in the Suisse Atlantique case [ 1967 ] 1 AC 61 that exemption clauses can not be construed to apply to fundamental breach unless clearly stated to do so ( See also the Securicor case mentioned above , where an exclusion clause was found to be drafted so widely as to exclude liability for a wilful default which was also a fundamental breach of the contract . )
10 The ‘ force ’ facility may be used as often as required , for example , to re-assign responsibility if the recipient of a previously forced SPR does not wish to take resposibility for it , or a user has accepted responsibility and has then passed it on to someone else .
11 The force facility can be used as often as required for a particular SPR , for example , if a user does not wish to take responsibility for the SPR or if a user accepts the SPR but at a later date passes the work onto someone else .
12 This is done using option 3.8.0 , Force User to Accept SPR , and may be used as often as required , for example , to re-assign responsibility if the recipient of a previously forced SPR does not wish to take resposibility for it , or a user has accepted responsibility and then wishes to pass it to someone else .
13 The vihuela tablatures contained villancicos and romances — with the melody in red figures– as in Luis Milan 's El Maestro ( Valencia , 1535 or 6 ) , so that it could easily be sung as well as played .
14 Disability arts , on the other hand , where , for example , sculpture is designed to be touched as well as seen , and songs are written about the world as we see it , can redress the balance and engage a lot of people in questioning assumptions that their exclusion from society is a fact of life .
15 In particular , in the interpretation of provisions of the SGA 1979 relating to implied terms , Lord Diplock said ( at p501 ) that the Act " ought not to be construed so narrowly as to force on parties to contracts for the sale of goods promises and consequences different from what they must reasonably have intended " .
16 The up to date Medical Report should be obtained now so as to allow adequate time for a Minute of Amendment or other investigation before the Proof .
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