Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] the [det] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It would be exactly similar to a bank loan , to be undertaken on the same terms , and at the same rates of interest — if you are agreeable ? ’
2 So far as the former are concerned , the Act ( as does the Financial Services Act ) assumes that public issues of debentures will be undertaken by the same methods as issues of shares and it provides that a contract to take up debentures , like one to take up shares , may be enforced by an order for specific performance .
3 An essential first step is to demonstrate that pre-training must be given with the same stimuli as are used in the test phase .
4 The courts can order presses to be stopped for the same reasons as they can order assets to be frozen or property to be returned .
5 If possible the runs should not be placed in the same areas in successive years .
6 They should always be placed in the same positions each time ; you should be able to put your hand on any of them at a moment 's notice : no scrabbling around !
7 In the meantime , let recycled papers be conserved for the many purposes they are more fit for .
8 The occasional outbreaks of Type II ostertagiasis in young adult sheep in the spring may be treated with the same anthelmintics .
9 As a responsive composite ‘ biomaterial ’ , a biosensor is rather special , not only in the complex , multiple alliance of the materials in any individual device , but also in the wide range of materials that must be considered for the many types of transduction systems .
10 Professor Derek Ellwood , director of the pathogenic microbe research laboratory at the Centre for Applied Microbiology Research , Porton Down , Wiltshire , says that ‘ from the point of view of safety , a biotechnology factory should not be designed in the same ways as one making antibiotics ’ .
11 As for Freud , the clitoris continues to be surrounded by the same problems that it held for nineteenth-century medicine .
12 It was a part of the prophecy of disintegration and chaos to be expected in the latter days ; within that context it was but one detail in a large picture , but here it was all , it was an answer .
13 Normally , little jumble could be expected from the few cottages on the headland , but Alex Mair , anxious to associate the power station with the community , had put up a notice on the staff board and the two tea chests were usually fairly full by the time the October sale came round .
14 Brian Leith 's The Descent of Darwin : A Handbook of Doubts About Darwin can hardly be recommended in the same terms .
15 The vertical ramp will be made to the same dimensions as Southsea 's , as long as they can come up with the money to make it .
16 Section 1(6) states : No duty is owed by virtue of this section to any person in respect of risks willingly accepted as his by that person ( the question of whether a risk was so accepted to be decided on the same principles as in other cases in which one person owes a duty of care to another ) .
17 Ditches and lanes frequently divide up the platforms , so that a rough plan can be seen of the former crofts lying along the lanes .
18 There is little to be seen of the former docks now , only depressions marked with stakes identifying the site , but the village remains , where some of the master shipwrights lived who built Nelson 's favourite ship , HMS Agamemnon , as well as many other men o' war for the British fleet .
19 Wonderful views of both , and of the Pentlands in the south and of Fife and the Firth of Forth in the north , can be seen from the many hills upon or around which Edinburgh drapes itself .
20 The measurement across the page can be in whatever units you are happy with ; picas , millimetres , etc , but the vertical measurements should be done in the same units as your leading .
21 Fire fighting over-ride controls should be positioned at the same locations as the appropriate sprinkler control valves ( see 3.6 ‘ Fixed Fire Fighting Equipment ’ ) .
22 He said the NHS trust guide , underwritten by Mr Lang , said that existing staff would be transferred on the same conditions .
23 Many techniques for stress reduction can be appropriated by the same injunctions to succeed that got you stressed in the first place , and should be discontinued if you spot that they have been subverted in this way ( unless your goal has also changed along the way from stress reduction to record-breaking ) .
24 The antiprotons would follow the same path through the magnets — but in the opposite direction to the protons — and would be accelerated to the same energies .
25 The low efficiency of transformation with human tumour DNA may be attributed to the several reasons .
26 This occurred , he believed , despite the household 's ‘ sufficiency of income ’ and therefore could not be attributed to the same causes as ‘ primary poverty ’ .
27 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the rulebook for a full description ) .
28 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the Warhammer rulebook for a full description ) .
29 Standard bearers and musicians are assumed to be equipped with the same weapons as the rest of the unit and fight just like ordinary troopers ( see the Warhammer rulebook for a full description ) .
30 Adobe Illustrator , Motif version , already out for other Unix systems , will be offered by the same distributors later this year .
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