Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] [art] [noun] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 But the argument should be recognized for the fiction it is .
2 John Gillis has shown from a study of the London Foundling Hospital that higher servants , such as ladies ' maids , seem to have been particularly vulnerable which may be explained by the contradictions they experienced in attempting to combine customs of courtship and marriage appropriate to women of their class backgrounds with the standards of conduct expected by their employers .
3 However , there may be some practical advice to be given to the party you are supposed to be advising , and you should certainly comply with the examiner 's direction as far as you are able .
4 And any government which is going to be formed in the centre I do n't think it is going to last for too long .
5 Order 7 , r 10(4) which provides that the date of service is deemed to be the seventh day after posting does not apply , and the summons is in this case deemed , by virtue of s 7 of the Interpretation Act 1978 , to be received in the time it would be delivered " in the ordinary course of post " .
6 However , as I am conscious of the strong feeling that the hon. Lady has registered on behalf of her constituents , I assure her that before a plant can be registered for an incinerator it must comply with the emissions standards enforced by Her Majesty 's industrial pollution inspectorate .
7 ( Within each type , hierarchies may be distinguished by the elements they contain . )
8 French farmers should be punished for the way they treated our sheep farmers .
9 It is ironic that the hypocrite , who is seen throughout with a neurotic distrust of women , and whose every second word to his wife is an insult , should finally be exposed by a woman he had trusted , from whom he had snatched the handkerchief without even thinking her worth swearing to secrecy ( III.iii.320ff . ) .
10 If power is to be devolved to the people they must learn how to use power .
11 An arrangement between the West Wales Naturalists ' Trust and the Highway Authorities had ensured that the vegetation would be treated with the respect it deserves .
12 This task is made quite easy if you dampen the bread slightly so that it can be pressed into the shape you need .
13 Boro full back and fly half Ian Bircham has landed a job in Italy so his appearances will be limited to the weekends he is home .
14 It would be limited to the function it is most useful for in the language classroom : intensive listening .
15 To be plausible the authority should also be limited in the way ours is : a machine that appeared certain , in the teeth of all the evidence observable by us , that such and such a transistor was failing might well have given itself away precisely because it would lack the ‘ downwards ’ inscrutability that our inner workings have for us .
16 I have argued that if we allow our concept of special educational provision , and hence of the support teacher 's role , to be limited to the ‘ individual ’ approach then the danger is that , not only will our own sights be limited in the measures we adopt to meet special educational needs , but our work may act as a substitute for more fundamental changes that are required .
17 For instance , if you choose fairly large material you will be limited in the amount you can use and the resulting picture may look rather dull .
18 The news might well be outdated by the time it reached the curia , messengers and even legates might be seized , as Cardinal Leo was by King Imre of Hungary , and the curial instructions might well be outdated when they reached their target .
19 In such a situation while the judge may rule that the case shall proceed and be considered by the jury it would not be the duty of counsel to cross-examine the defence witnesses or address the jury if he was of the view that it would not be proper to convict .
20 Third , from a sociological point of view , grief can not be contained in the way it once was .
21 If central Asia could not be approached from the Caspian it had to be penetrated from the north , which meant bridging the gap between Russia 's south-eastern military outpost at Orenburg and the Aral Sea .
22 I hoped the exploration would go well and that the cancer would be confined to the kidney I had already rather sadly signed away .
23 ‘ Tho ’ I was young Thomas Chatterton to those I met , I was a very Proteus to those who read my Works ' : Chatterton 's story is mostly told by himself , and with a felicity of cadence and of reference which can be caught in the sentence I have just quoted .
24 Lifting the cup of wine which symbolically pointed to His blood which would be shed on the cross He said ‘ This is my blood of the new testament which is shed for many for the remission of sins . ’
25 Indeed , as Amiss saw with fascination , his first act on sitting down to breakfast was to open the tabloid at page three , fold it and prop it against the sugar bowl in such a way that the topless pin-up of the day was there to be looked at every time he got bored with the Telegraph .
26 There is one general caveat and a smaller qualification to be added to the conclusion we now have ( 2 , 2a ) about causal circumstances and effects .
27 And he does not like to be reminded of the gaffes he made as deputy chairman — branding the young unemployed as workshy , or musing on Radio Ulster whether Ian Paisley might like to be prime minister of a united Ireland .
28 He did not volunteer any further suggestions but took her to one of the few French restaurants he knew in Soho , where hopefully she would not be reminded of the man she loved .
29 This had flowered and fruited and , although too late to be included in the Dictionary it might be brought into a later supplement because several new plants had been omitted once their initial letter had been passed in the main work .
30 If this is so , how do societies come to be organised in the way they are ?
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