Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [prep] a second [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 A further 60 seats would be filled by a second vote in which electors would express their preference for political parties rather than individual candidates , with the seats being distributed in accordance with the proportion of the vote achieved by each party .
2 He never supposed a bus might recur in his life , to be travelled in a second time , with a recognisable darn in its upholstery .
3 You may be recalled for a second interview or apply to the same place some time in the future .
4 The facilitated interview may be appropriate in certain circumstances but should be treated as a second stage .
5 In January 1984 , the Chairman of the ESRC visited Belfast and announced that a further £480,000 was to be committed for a second phase of the programme .
6 As security it was agreed that Mr. O'Brien would guarantee the payment by the company of its indebtedness and that his liability under the guarantee would be secured by a second charge over the house which was believed to have an equity of about £100,000 .
7 AV 4300s can be upgraded with a second CPU for £5,400 , doubling the power from 29 to 58 MIPS for less than half the cost of the original machine , according to DG .
8 Less commonly but no less important , Hbs can be co-inherited with a second abnormality of haemoglobin such as thalassaemia or haemoglobin C.
9 Over the years it has been customary for the chairman to be re-elected for a second year .
10 Then there 's her book — a series of short stories and reflections entitled Memoirs Of A Pretty Lady — that is due to be followed by a second volume next summer , ‘ if I finish it on time , which I 'd better ’ .
11 To sum up this section , we can say that the first phrase of a theme may be followed by a second phrase to make a complete sentence , either through exact repetition , or by various degrees of change which can extend to the introduction of completely new material .
12 Languages can be learned ‘ at home ’ , where there are few opportunities for mixing with the native users of the language ( such as evening class french ) or they can be learned in a second language situation , either in the country in which that language is native or in one 's own country where the language is used for a specific purpose ( such as learning English in parts of Africa where it is used as the commercial language ) .
13 These issues were due to be investigated at a second trial , to start on Jan. 14 , 1991 , when the senior financiers Roger Seeling , David Mayhew and Lord Spens were to stand trial for accepting the money .
14 However , in patients with hyperglobulinaemia and low optical readings ( signal:control cut off ratio <2 ) a positive result should be confirmed by a second generation recombinant immunoblot assay , which uses four antigens ( 5–1–1 , c-100–3 , c33c , and c22–3 ) .
15 In the latter case the operation would be repeated with a second set of tests .
16 A building society savings account may be held with a second competitor and an insurance policy with a third .
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