Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [to-vb] [adv prt] the [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Any Macintosh can be designated to back up the network .
2 This option requires the name of the package , the name of the LIFESPAN user to be designated to carry out the approval , and the date by which the approval decision is required .
3 Gordon MacGregor , of Inverness , said he did not believe the unit would be re-opened to carry out the function conference wanted .
4 Mr Hamilton will be approached to find out the format of this event .
5 If laboratory scale experiments indicate , however , that the indigenous microfauna are unable to degrade the contaminants , enrichment cultures of microorganisms may be added to speed up the process .
6 In cooler areas where ripening is a problem — such as Germany or Burgundy in France — a little extra sugar may be added to bump up the alcohol .
7 In smaller seasonal or residential hotels all the office work could be centralised in the reception office , and during the quiet period on the front desk the receptionist would be expected to carry out the task of maintaining accounting and other records .
8 In practice , the state scheme contributions pre-empt a slice of incomes which would otherwise be available for saving through pension schemes , and thus to that extent would be expected to slow down the growth of non-state provision .
9 With contracting , hospital doctors will be the agents of the provider , not the purchasing authority , and again can not be expected to take on the gatekeeper role .
10 Seeing no need why it alone should be expected to make up the deficit , it requested its allies to increase their defence expenditure .
11 Relatives of people living in care homes can be expected to make up the difference between the amount of benefit and the charges actually levied by by the home .
12 The risk , however , is that come the day of dispute adequate proof of the business practices will be difficult if not impossible to assemble and that the default provisions of the Partnership Act ( see below ) will have to be applied to sort out the problem .
13 On the basis of these small but important findings , a case could be made to close down the whole of the provision in this sector .
14 While directors like Ken Russell and Nic Roeg carried on along their own idiosyncratic paths , and many of the directors who had flourished in the 1960s packed their bags for the trip to LA , there were no indications that those left behind had begun to face up to the economic realities of British film production , or what would have to be done to patch up the damage done to the craft of filmmaking , more particularly screenwriting , during the dead times of the 1950s and into the 1960s .
15 A traditional anecdote may be said to sum up the change that has taken place in our attitude .
16 Now a local Tory MP is demanding that Shire Hall be sold to pay off the authority 's massive debts .
17 An activator may be used to speed up the process but certain basic principles should be borne in mind .
18 The money will be used to set up the trail and to produce a waterproof colour guide .
19 This year , with the Democrats poised to win the state , the national leadership is looking to see whether the same tactics can be used to turn back the tide on the Republicans nationwide .
20 This will be called automatically on system shutdown ( provided you specify YES to site-specific shutdown procedures ) , and can of course also be used to shut down the LIFESPAN Processes with the VAX running .
21 Giving very high lift with small drag at take-off , but high lift and high drag on landing , these flaps could be used to tighten up the turning radius in combat .
22 For example , substance P can be used to control not its own synthesis but some other pathway , just as a thermostat could be used to switch on the television instead of the boiler .
23 This cash can be used to pay off the loan .
24 This can be used to pay back the capital you borrow now .
25 If they pay most of your legal costs the contributions will be used to make up the difference and you will be refunded anything left over .
26 They will be used to bring in the rock crushing plant , the industrial chemicals and the explosives .
27 In this section some familiar examples of gravitational and inertial forces will be used to bring out the correspondence between these forces and the metric connections .
28 Besides , there was the possibility that the Visigoths could be used to shore up the Empire .
29 The problem each system faced was that the matching process created a large number of partial solutions , and various heuristics had to be used to cut down the search space .
30 Though it is meant to be used to keep out the cold , we had brought six of them to cover the tents and reflect away the sun 's heat , and to signal for help if needed .
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