Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The foundation document was to be altered to comply with the requirements of the act relating to the creation of a partnership proper by 31 December 1989 .
2 In the morning , should this truce be agreed , leave will be given to draw in the wagons .
3 Unfortunately , it has no effect on the larval stage in the eggs and further applications may need to be given to cope with the larvae as they hatch .
4 Pray for His encouragement and strength to be given to break through the powers of darkness .
5 The tenant 's surveyor should be consulted to advise on the risks to be covered should any doubt exist .
6 Wherever a pupil is studying the theoretical aspect of a subject , whether in the arts or the sciences , he must be taught to think about the foundations of that subject .
7 Next a management strategy would be developed to deal with the accidents not covered by , or remedied in , the first stage .
8 All new ‘ workstations ’ , ( defined as any furniture and equipment used by or in the presence of a user , together with the immediate environment in which the work is undertaken ) , have to comply with the regulations from January 1993 onwards , and all existing ‘ workstations ’ will have to be modified to comply with the Regulations by 31 December 1996 at the latest for less heavily-used stations .
9 It concluded , ‘ On all questions relating to health , housing and education , the Labour Party can be trusted to attend to the interests of the women and the children ’ .
10 Kerrison , for example , claimed that ‘ On all questions relating to health , housing and education , the Labour Party can be trusted to attend to the interests of the women and children ’ .
11 It is not surprising that at independence most governments identified the international companies from the former colonial power as potential agents of neo-colonialism , who could not be trusted to operate with the interests of African countries at heart .
12 The result was a system in which the government never changed hands , but instead was carried out by those who could be trusted to look after the affairs of state .
13 It has been known for staff to accept offers of jobs on the assumption that crêche places and hours will be organised to fit around the duties of employees .
14 The Council … believes strongly that a first degree course in Educational Studies lasting three years may be designed to lead to an Honours award … the concept of a three-year degree course in Educational Studies , leading to an Honours or an unclassified degree , will be acceptable provided it combines an adequate period of practical experience in the classroom with a requisite minimum of academic studies .
15 The Soviet authorities had no reason to take any interest in the fate of a handful of foreign invaders when over twenty million of their own people had been killed , while as for the Italians , it had suddenly become clear that they had in fact been anti-Fascists to a man all along and could hardly be expected to sympathize with the relatives of those few fanatics who had been rash enough to fight for the despised Duce .
16 It follows that a particular score from an intelligence appraisal can be a useful cut-off point in that those who do not attain the cut-off should not be expected to cope with the demands of the particular task .
17 Mr W Doggart emphasised that tutors would be expected to adhere to the contents of the packs which would become official Institute precept and practice .
18 ‘ It is my belief that , without an honest money , Soviet citizens can not be expected to respond to the reforms , as they do not have a meaningful incentive , ’ said Mr Angell .
19 As with the Faculty scholarships , overseas students will be expected to apply for an ORS award .
20 Elected leaders , such as politicians and many trade union officials , have such authority , which they will be expected to exercise in the interests of the electors/union members .
21 The committee was established to recommend a model of how the English language ( whether spoken or written ) works , which would form a basis for teacher training and professional discussion of English teaching ; to recommend how and how far this model should be made explicit to pupils ; and to recommend what pupils should be taught and be expected to understand by the ages of 7 , 11 and 16 .
22 As I was unable to see how I could realistically expect students to take responsibility for classes after only six weeks in the School of Education , I decided ( after much self doubt ) to put the students on their first teaching practice in the fourth and fifth years of schools offering our joint GCE O Level/CSE French for Communication syllabus where they would be expected to work with the teachers in a variety of roles .
23 ( Any other inventions made by the professor in the course of his employment will be deemed to fall within the provisions of Section 39(2) of the Patents Act 1977 , i.e. will be taken to belong to him . )
24 Would a servant , or any person under the domination of a master , or a non-naturalized foreigner , be permitted to appear among the representatives of a nation ?
25 To personalise it , the little figures in the bus could be made to look like the children at the party .
26 Somehow , the deities had to be made to appear before the worshippers , and this appearance might take many different forms .
27 Chemistry was regarded as a subject which was not fundamental ; the issues it examines are not fundamental to the universe in the way that the issues of physics are ; in this the views of the students can be seen to coincide with the views of Dr L , who said that ‘ all of chemistry is becoming explicable in terms of quantum theory ’ .
28 This can be seen to coincide with the characteristics of an ‘ ideal ’ old age outlined by Erikson ( 1965 ) ( see page 40–42 ) , concerned with identity and generativity .
29 It included also the description of those specialized features of morphology and physiology that distinguish species and might ( often by more or less inspired guesswork ) be said to account for the differences in their distribution .
30 What nursing actions may be selected to deal with the problems ?
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