Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [to-vb] [pron] [prep] a " in BNC.

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1 The clever part is that this frame can be manipulated to make it into an irregular shape as required to match the text to the graphic .
2 When the file concerned was an ED ( Enumeration District ) level file , it was too large for our screen editor to be used , and a FORTRAN program had to be written to change it As a result of these corrections , the data held at Manchester is cleaner than that at OPCS ( the Census Office for England and Wales ) itself !
3 As for the mentioned activity , an attempt must be made to understand it in a way consonant with what has been said of contents and objects , that they are not states of affairs or ordinary things , and also with a further fact , that there are various modes of consciousness .
4 His brother Gavin frets him , and he has a longing for Gavin 's wife , together with a more urgent one for a teacher at the school , Alison Houston , who could be felt to lead him on a bit but does n't want to have a ‘ relationship ’ with him .
5 They threatened that , if he did not co-operate , the Northern Ireland emergency powers of detention would be used to intern her as a dangerous subversive .
6 He used a setup rather like a modern TV picture tube : a red-hot metal filament gave off the electrons , and because these have a negative electric charge , an electric field could be used to accelerate them toward a phosphor-coated screen .
7 It is based on army issue shovels and although very compact could be used to dig anything from a small surface hole to a trench !
8 It is still , though , a demonstration package and considerable development effort would be needed to turn it into a commercially viable product .
9 It is thought that a sum of about £5,000 will be needed to carry the scheme through successfully and that a membership of 300 would be needed to maintain it on a sound basis .
10 If others point out to me that I always shirk opportunities to get something which I earnestly insist that I desire more than anything else in the world , I shall be persuaded to relinquish it as an end only if on reflection I am forced to admit to myself that I do not feel about it as strongly as I supposed .
11 ‘ It 's so awfully difficult — I 'd be bound to get myself in a muddle trying to explain myself . ’
12 Good communications are encouraged by doing so , and each product line can be encouraged to see itself as a profit centre , a company within the company , making for commitment to that element of the company objectives .
13 According to the Office of Fair Trading , there 's evidence that some building societies choose firms that bring them mortgage business in return , so your estate agent may be tempted to steer you towards a building society that he needs to butter up .
14 A mineral undertaker can not however , be required to put the land to any specific use after extraction has been completed , but where practicable , he can be required to leave it in a condition comparable to that in which he found it .
15 While the preparations went ahead , Maria Teresa chattered about who was there and who was n't , of the rumours about the King 's plans to lead an expedition to Morocco and whether her brother would be chosen to accompany him as a gentleman adventurer .
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