Example sentences of "be [vb pp] [adv] for [art] [num ord] " in BNC.

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1 Accurate pictures could now be built up for the first time as to how tigers spent their day , how often they killed , their associations with other tigers and how the young animals found and established their own home ranges .
2 The trove will be exhibited together for the first time at the Pierpont Morgan Library ( 9 December-4 April1993 ) , accompanied by an illustrated catalogue by William Voelkle and Roger Wieck , curator and associate curator , respectively , of the Morgan 's Department of Medieval and Renaissance Manuscripts .
3 Besides the semi-literate glossies , and the best-selling ‘ page-turners ’ that have to be moved aside for the next over-hyped wave , books appear for sale that are of a quite different kind .
4 To enable the vehicles to be shown together for the first time , and to celebrate the work of the ‘ Store ’ carriage works , an exhibition entitled ‘ Cobbles and Carriages ’ will be held in the Main Hall at Chambers Street from 5 June — 1 August .
5 For the boys in the band , it was becoming like they were frozen fish fingers , waiting to be thawed out for the next meal , because I was off doing a mini series or whatever .
6 The Army and Navy have moved significantly down the path towards contracting out and have very few contracts left to be put out for the first time .
7 Thus , for example , in reference resolution , if the first complete set of resolutions of the anaphors in a QLF is deemed implausible , other possible referents will be tried exhaustively for the last anaphor to be processed before any other changes are considered ; and the second QLF , if any , will not be considered at all unless no plausible set of resolutions can be derived for the first .
8 Disc jockeys added a ‘ voice ’ to formerly instrumental discs which would then be recorded again for the second version of the same record .
9 This meant the Government would have less to announce at the unified Budget in November , when tax and spending plans will be unveiled together for the first time .
10 A new theory linking familiarity , complexity , and liking for two special classes of objects will be tested rigorously for the first time .
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